Who do u think will b next ruler of USA

it is interesting how both the UK and US are going through these bizarre political events at the same time. That being said I sincerely hope Trump loses in a landslide. The thought of having a sociopath/narcissist as president is horrifying. Even if the country does loose its mind and elect this buffoon congress will gladly impeach him before he does too much harm (I hope).
Hillary for President? No...HILLARY FOR PRISON!
I don't care about her emails it's her policies that scare me yes America has always been the land of the free welcome to anybody everybody can welcome here it's sad but times have changed we just can't do that anymore Anton Trump getting tough on these other countries business wise sure they're not going to like him but that's just the way it has to be we've let people get over on us too long now.
The Clintons are waaaaay resilient in business, better than Trump. Rolling in cocaine and NO PRISON time. Trump had to diversify his beeswax and still have to pay tax. Clinton rhymes with cocaine.

No wait... it doesn't!

Political circus.
Clinton I hope! Trump is crazy and he hates my people.
This is the only candidate I can support enthusiastically...

Lol seriously though guys the way I see it I'm going to vote for who I want and whoever you vote for is really none of my business. One of my friends told me that somebody unfriended him on Facebook do to his choice in president.
Just because someone's not voting for the same person I'm voting for doesn't mean I dislike them that's their own personal choice. I'm not trying to campaign for anybody either the way I see it you're going to vote for who you want to vote for and there's no way I can sway your opinion.
Hates "your" people? He hates everybody!
From this side of the Atlantic I am seriously concerned about the possibility of a Trump successs. I accept that this is not my election and that I have no vote or say in the result but whether we like it or not what happens in the States affects the whole of the democratic world.
The Trump I see is a bully, a racist and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. He has no experience of government and seems to lead with his mouth without thinking.
I'm not suggesting that Clinton is an ideal choice, for what it's worth I liked Sanders, but she experienced and she will have Bill at her side as unofficial adviser.
But you guys are entitled to vote as you wish and I certainly would not fall out with anyone who voted with their conscience. And we in the U.K. have a poor record in voting sensibly. Look at Brexit, Corbyn and the election of a majority Tory Government last year.
Why is he racist?Because he don't want Mexicans that broke rules get here in country?Because he don't want Muslim terrorist flowing in?
The impression I get of Trump is that he is against all Muslims because they are Muslims, not because they are potential terrorists. I accept the guys isn't anti Semitic, after all he'd be a difficult position to try that with a Jewish grandson who I accept he loves.
But just as it would be wrong for me to judge all Americans because of him and his attitudes it is equally wrong for him to judge all Muslims because a few are terrorist inspired.
And incidentally is a mans religion stamped on his forehead. If not how does Trump know who is a Muslim. The most dangerous are the converts and they could look like a typical wasp.
Just a thought
Beyond his own racist views and superficial knowledge my biggest fear is letting someone with a severe personality disorder in such a position of power. The reality is we have two poor choices but at least she is mentally stable and has an appreciation for the complexity of the world. It always amazes me that a country of 350 million people often has such a hard time coming up with optimal candidates for high public office.