It's so cold in Central and Eastern Europe houses turn into mortuaries.

The Danube river is starting to freeze, photos from Budapest today.

Those conditions are depressing to contemplate, Meatpie. Being cold is so much worse than being hot. Scientists don't talk so much about global warming any more. They call it climate change now because they've figured out it's another ice age that's begun, not a heat wave.
I took a walk in the morning it was -30°C /-22 °F and the air was so cold exposed skin starts to freeze within minutes.
Why ever would you decide to take a walk when it's 22 degrees below zero outside?!?! I'll bet it's not even that cold in Antarctica.
The temperature in Antarctica has reached −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F), though the average for the coldest part of the year is −63 °C (−81 °F).
Oh, well, in that case I understand your taking a stroll. Bulgaria seems positively balmy in comparison.
While Europe from about Germany/Italy east has had exceptional cold, here in the UK it's been quite mild (+5-10C most days). And generally this winter has been the first 'normal' for a while - alternating mild and cold but within normal range, some hard overnight frosts but no lying snow at low levels yet (at least in mot of England, I thinbk there has been in Scotland). None of the relentlessly wet but very mild winters we've had recently, or the bitter cold of (I think) 2011-12 and 2012-13.
Unusually warm day for Feb in New England. 54 degrees F. Tomorrow it is forecast to be 65.
If current conditions in the Mid-Atlantic states of the U.S. are global warming, then I'm all for it. PA is seeing 70s, which might break some February records.
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Doris is coming!
Omg, Storm Doris is heading straight for me, and it is 'bombing'!
Actually right on the storm track isn't the worst place to be - the heavy snow will be on the north side so we may just miss it and just get rain, and the severe gale warnings are for the north and south sides so this place is in the gap between. But sounds like we may get quite a kick from its backside as it heads away and the northerly gales kick in tomorrow afternoon, I've secured everything I can outside just in case.
I am sorry to hear about Doris. Storms have become so frightful. Please let me know when the danger has passed. If you don't, I shall have to presume you were blown away.
The overturned lorries are quite impressive. I once drove over the Stainmoor Pass just as a gale was subsiding and clearly they hadn't closed the stormgates when they should have, as I had to thread my way round three overturned lorries on the dual carriageway.
If the lorries don't get you, the flying machines will...


or the SUVs...
(just one more reason to dread going to the dentist)


I will instruct them, and tell Gabriel to keep special watch for any SUVs that seem to be suspiciously close to the roof of a dentist's. He's good like that, he swoops down just like an angel, plucks the SUV out of the air and puts it gently down on the street - then extracts the driver not so gently, 'translates' him into the dentist's straight through the wall and into the chair and instructs the dentist to use absolutely no anaesthetic at all. Or, if he's having one of those days, he's been known to have a quick pray with me then transform the anaesthetic into concentrated sulphuric acid. Well, it's a bit less vanilla than water into wine, that gets a tad boring after you've been doing it for nigh on 2000 years. :happy banana:
I'm cold, but I suppose I should be grateful it isn't snowing.
Cool pics, thanks. Windy here and also turning increasingly cloudy in the evening.