Hey guys,

Like to put a small challenge to everyone
I'm opening this thread so we can all show and tell everyone here who we are and what we honestly think of ourselves
Don't be afraid to say what to feel, be honest, weather it will be good or bad, negative or positive
Of course I will start:

Well, you all know who I am and let me start with this:

I am a self proclaimed homosexual, necrophiliac, cannibalistic, male with a male foot fetish
I guess some would refer to me as a modern day ghoul
But to be perfectly honest with you I can really say that i absolutely who and what I am
I am a narcissistic, self absorbed, crude, rude, self serving individual
I love everything about myself and I wouldn't change a thing
First of all: I absolutely love being a guy
I wouldn't trade in being a man for nothing
I love my penis, I love my feet, I love my appearance, my face, my lips, my heritage of being Greek, my dark hair, my eyes, my height
I love the way my beard and hair meet and encircle my face
At this point in my life I am totally committed to myself and can honestly say that I may even be in love with myself, after all, if I didn't have a right to feel this way about me, other men and bitches would not hit on me constantly and try to get into my pants
At the same time, I'm a very giving, kind, respectful, loving man who does not judge people very easily
I only judge people when it is necessary
I am one nice guy I have to say
I spoil my friends, I give them whatever I have, even the shirt off my back at some times
I pay it forward ALL THE TIME
I pay for other's people shit in the drive thru, grocery stores, I am a very giving individual
If someone needs cash or a car repair or a bill paid, people know that I am the first one that they can approach for help
I do however do not like taking advantage off
Some people in my past have done that and those people I have cut off
I will be your most true, blue friend in time of need
I'm a very firm believer of how to treat others as you like to be treated
I believe karma will come and fuck you up and bite you in the ass, 10 times harder when you hurt someone
But I also believe in protecting yourself and fighting back
So sometimes hurting people is necessary
I feel that my many good attributes outweigh my negative ones and therefor being narcissistic and loving myself a bit too much lately is ok because I have so much good attributes that come afterwards
People that I know tell me that I look like a Greek God and refer to me as that
Especially those who want to be dominated by me, sexually
So as you can see, I have many sides to who I am
Let me say this people, just because you are on this site you may feel guilty, odd, unusual or just plain dirty for your thoughts and activities and wondering what may be wrong with you
It's far easier just to accept who you are, love yourself, deal with it and go with the flow
Life is short, you need to embrace yourselves
Embrace the good and the bad
Embrace the difference that makes you an individual
Love yourself completely and totally and be at peace with yourself
Guilt is useless
Kicking yourself and feeling guilty about who and what you are is not going to change who and what you are at the end of each day
So to have a full life, acceptance is the key
And you know what


I am a one of a kind, there are others like me, but no one will ever be ME
Again, I am the only ME the world will ever see

I hope you guys enjoy this thread and contribute to it
And share your honesty with us all

A very open and honest assessment!!
I R O C K.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting back to Ricky’s original concept: What do I think of me? Honestly?

Who am I? Well, I created four Groups here on CDG that pretty much sum me up. One group shows what kind of men I like. Two groups show what I want to do to them. The fourth is merely a culinary side dish. And I even made an Album.

I like me. No, I love me. Very narcissistic. Very private. Sometimes garrulous. Since childhood, I have stood and gazed at The Man in the Mirror. For hours. Making love to him. Hurting him. Drawing blood. Watching him writhe in pain. But, in the end, always caressing and soothing his savaged body. And he never fails to return, seeking, needing more. So we continue our dance. We love each other.

I am unique. As is every member of our CDG community. Our interests, tastes, fantasies and cravings are out of the mainstream. But normal. God-given. Genetic. However you want to term it. Our interests are unique to each of us. We may find only a few at CDG who dig it exactly as we do. But we all search, and support others in their search, and in that we are a community. I have come to love you all. Whether you post regularly, or not at all. And I miss those who have left us.

Honesty is difficult. Hanging oneself out there, naked, for all to see. Being judged and critiqued. Oh, Lordy! But, as I said, I’m a narcissist. I’d rather have people talking about me, good or bad, than not at all. So I have opened up on CDG as nowhere else. You know my quirks. Good points and not so good. And every fantasy and craving. It’s fun to expose myself. Shouting from the rooftops. Cleansing my soul. Ask, and I’ll tell you anything…almost.
Our psyches are fragile, ever changing. I joined CDG in 2012, but who I was then is not who I am today. I have evolved. In my cravings and desires and fantasies. In my willingness to open up about other more controversial interests and appetites. I'm still a necro cannibal killer. Man is a tasty creature, but there’s more to eat than just flesh and blood.
I joined CDG in July 2011, nearly 11 years ago. I was still teaching then, but my career was winding down (after almost 30 years in the classroom my body was reaching the point where it could no longer take the daily grind of it all). The difference between me then and me now isn't much, although of course I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and interacting with CDG members both here and IRL!

As the years have passed by I find myself more convinced than ever that I will find a way to avoid winding up in a nursing home or long-term care facility surrounded by strangers, and I remain hopeful that I will find a man willing to help me in that regard. The best thing about CDG, of course, is that we can talk about such things openly and without fear of ostracism, and I am grateful for the honesty and the good-natured humor of the members of this community.
The ideal long term facility would be one surrounded by fellow CDG members. And administered by CDG members. What fun! Think of the entertainment they could provide!
Hey guys,

Like to put a small challenge to everyone
I'm opening this thread so we can all show and tell everyone here who we are and what we honestly think of ourselves
Don't be afraid to say what to feel, be honest, weather it will be good or bad, negative or positive
Of course I will start:

Well, you all know who I am and let me start with this:

I am a self proclaimed homosexual, necrophiliac, cannibalistic, male with a male foot fetish
I guess some would refer to me as a modern day ghoul
But to be perfectly honest with you I can really say that i absolutely who and what I am
I am a narcissistic, self absorbed, crude, rude, self serving individual
I love everything about myself and I wouldn't change a thing
First of all: I absolutely love being a guy
I wouldn't trade in being a man for nothing
I love my penis, I love my feet, I love my appearance, my face, my lips, my heritage of being Greek, my dark hair, my eyes, my height
I love the way my beard and hair meet and encircle my face
At this point in my life I am totally committed to myself and can honestly say that I may even be in love with myself, after all, if I didn't have a right to feel this way about me, other men and bitches would not hit on me constantly and try to get into my pants
At the same time, I'm a very giving, kind, respectful, loving man who does not judge people very easily
I only judge people when it is necessary
I am one nice guy I have to say
I spoil my friends, I give them whatever I have, even the shirt off my back at some times
I pay it forward ALL THE TIME
I pay for other's people shit in the drive thru, grocery stores, I am a very giving individual
If someone needs cash or a car repair or a bill paid, people know that I am the first one that they can approach for help
I do however do not like taking advantage off
Some people in my past have done that and those people I have cut off
I will be your most true, blue friend in time of need
I'm a very firm believer of how to treat others as you like to be treated
I believe karma will come and fuck you up and bite you in the ass, 10 times harder when you hurt someone
But I also believe in protecting yourself and fighting back
So sometimes hurting people is necessary
I feel that my many good attributes outweigh my negative ones and therefor being narcissistic and loving myself a bit too much lately is ok because I have so much good attributes that come afterwards
People that I know tell me that I look like a Greek God and refer to me as that
Especially those who want to be dominated by me, sexually
So as you can see, I have many sides to who I am
Let me say this people, just because you are on this site you may feel guilty, odd, unusual or just plain dirty for your thoughts and activities and wondering what may be wrong with you
It's far easier just to accept who you are, love yourself, deal with it and go with the flow
Life is short, you need to embrace yourselves
Embrace the good and the bad
Embrace the difference that makes you an individual
Love yourself completely and totally and be at peace with yourself
Guilt is useless
Kicking yourself and feeling guilty about who and what you are is not going to change who and what you are at the end of each day
So to have a full life, acceptance is the key
And you know what


I am a one of a kind, there are others like me, but no one will ever be ME
Again, I am the only ME the world will ever see

I hope you guys enjoy this thread and contribute to it
And share your honesty with us all

All you have to do is not believe in karma and it wont bite you in the ass lol, It only works if both people have some sort of faith in that matter.
Other than that I wished you hadn't ignored when you were alive because I still miss you...But its for the best unfortunately, Sorry Richard. RIP
So can I. The whole thing , and can hold it there if I bite into the shaft. Which feels soooooooooo good.
Sounds like a monster delicious cock caleb, are you a Grower or a Shower? either way I will eat it like a hotdog between your two buttcheeks as my buns.
your cum is my mayo, your blood my ketchup, your pus my mustard, and your boogers my relish.
I will eat it like a hotdog between your two buttcheeks as my buns. your cum is my mayo, your blood my ketchup, your pus my mustard, and your boogers my relish.
WOW! What a treat! So tasty. Slather on some soft-serve shit and we’re in business. You sure whet my appetite, Johnny.