That lookss yummers!
The pic of the kebab thing
Don't they sell it in your village Rottie?
I've never seen anything like that Kebab before. Looks like a thick burrito with too much stuff in it. It does look good though. What is the meat inside it, somekinda pork? D:

i wasn't too hungry today, just had toast for breakfast and a baked potato with cheese and butter for lunch.
This is how they sell doner kebab here.

Surprised you don't have it in the US.

I know its popular in Britain.
Yes, kebab is really popular in Britain. Normally the meat is lamb or chicken - but a lot of it is 'mechanically recovered meat', which is gristle, innards, bits of nerve and the gunge off meat-grinding machines. that's why I don't normally eat kebabs.
Definitely not what I'm eating tonight.: just heard on the TV that the finest and most expensive coffee in the world is made in Bali, from coffee beans recovered from civet cat shit.
Now how's that for a bad job - fishing the coffee beans out of cat poo?
Well caviar is a well known expensive food and it's completely disgusting. Why does food like that get such a big price tag?
Well caviar is a well known expensive food and it's completely disgusting. Why does food like that get such a big price tag?

Cause your buying and eating the cheap and crappy Caviar.

The really good stuff doesn't taste like that.
I'm moving probally out of state.
Not sure when exactly.
And no Meaty they don't...]
I have nothing yet to eat
Where are you gonna go?


When Enty comes to Sofia I will take him to the Arabs where they will make us doner kebab.

Then we will puke together on the street and die.
I was hoping to do some more vacationing before I die Pieman...
You never know with deathy matey.

What if your plane goes down before you reach Bulgaria.


Hope nothing bad happens to you of course, but there is always this fucking risk lurking there somewhere.

You must be prepared to die any time, like a true warrior.
True, that is true indeed.

Let us not think about that, but about the nice things we will do when I arrive,

and <fill in my favorite line>
<If it happens, it happens>
Exactly :D

but I do look forward to see if your Döner Kebab is as good as the ones we have here...
One big kebab here is 1 euro, how much is it in Breda?
Depending on what you take, € 3,50