Test of IA image generator that can run locally on your computer.


Necro Fer
Elite Member
Oct 18, 2008
Hello. I have found an AI image generator that can run locally on your PC, but needs a decent graphics card. I have an AMD Ryzen 5 5600G procesor and a RTX 3050 graphics card and runs good. The good news is that is Free and you can prompt with the censored words of other generators. On some cases it has some problems with the feet. like this case.

but sometimes they give good results like this one.

Here are some examples of what this generator can do for CDG.

If you think is good. I will post the name of the program and you can test on your own.
I have a CPU AMD A12-9800, Graphics Radeon RX 580 4GB adn 16 GB RAM

Do you think I could do something with that?

And, have you thought about including a second person in the images? ;) ;)
I have a CPU AMD A12-9800, Graphics Radeon RX 580 4GB adn 16 GB RAM

Do you think I could do something with that?

And, have you thought about including a second person in the images? ;) ;)
Hello metal. The generator requires as least 8gb of gpu memory on amd graphics cards to run correctly. but you can give a try.

The generator its named Fooocus. You can download them in this page.


Just scroll in the page until you see download. And click on 'click here to download' It will download a 7zip file Extract were you want in your pc and run the realistic .bat file to start. And thanks for the suggestion i will try to put a second person in the images. :)
Hello metal. The generator requires as least 8gb of gpu memory on amd graphics cards to run correctly. but you can give a try.

The generator its named Fooocus. You can download them in this page.


Just scroll in the page until you see download. And click on 'click here to download' It will download a 7zip file Extract were you want in your pc and run the realistic .bat file to start. And thanks for the suggestion i will try to put a second person in the images. :)

Apparently I can't use it, an error appears because I use AMD drivers and components and not Nvidia. Damn brand competition
It's very realistic this one is almost photo-like but it still can't make a juicy penis like on real dead guy.

Apparently I can't use it, an error appears because I use AMD drivers and components and not Nvidia. Damn brand competition
there is an interface layer between cuda and the AMD gpus called ZLUDA. That is what enables it to work, apparently. The reviews I've read say it takes a very long time to generate the first image, like half an hour or more, depending on your hardware.
BTW we have been contacted by another guy callled orochi who wants to join up and become member here.
BTW we have been contacted by another guy callled orochi who wants to join up and become member here.
Oh thats interesting. I created my name with the two guys I liked much. Ikki Phoenix From Saint seiya and Orochi Chris, than then Chris transform into Orochi That i used them on the local Arcade machines to play with them. he he :) now the name of orochi is becoming popular I think by the new series of the arcade games KOF (King of Fighters) that revamp orochi along with Orochi Chris, Shermie and Yashiro again. and the Japanese mithology that Metal said in the later post. I found interesting that in a game generator program in the style of the 80, 90 fighting games named M.U.G.E.N. somebody created a character named Phoenix Orochi with interesting powers and the appearance of KOF Orochi. ;)
Hello. More testing images. now with the suggestion of Metal of adding more persons.

Interesting results. Although it has the typical errors of image AIs, they look pretty good. I'm sure that in a few years incredible things will be done with these tools if censorship doesn't ruin it.
Interesting results. Although it has the typical errors of image AIs, they look pretty good. I'm sure that in a few years incredible things will be done with these tools if censorship doesn't ruin it.
A key point about running AI on your own machine, apart from saving money, is that you can find the code that does censorship and edit it out. I've run afoul of censorship when I've been trying to create images that demonstrate conflict for entirely honourable reasons.
Very impressive ai images. I've experimented with Leonardo AI. It's tricky to get around the filters, but I'm able to upload reference to generate images. Here's some results.

Thanks hot results. These look like photographs. :facepalm:

We may soon start confusing real photos with AI-generated ones and forums like CDG will be threatened with extinction.

Interested to hear your views.
I highly doubt that AIs can supplant the CDG material. Perhaps the Necro Entertainment section could be slightly affected (or filled with AI generated material)

But I highly doubt that the gore section will have problems and that an AI can achieve the realism of these images, or at least for now.

I think that if used well, it can be positive for this site.
Very interesting perspective thank you. (y)

I am more pessimistic just looking at the sheer rate this shit is advancing it will be able to create realistic gore images and autopsy videos and we won't be able to tell if is a real morgue or AI-generated and the internet will be flooded with AI-generated content including porn, TV series and movies and you simply won't be able to tell from just looking at it.:facepalm:

Such content will start getting uploaded on YouTube on a massive scale.

I am now of the opinion that the AI explosion should be curtailed and not allowed to take over and ruin our digital lives and just used for scientific and medical improvements.

Some even fear that professions such as an actor and a singer, even a screenwriter may become redundant as all digital content will be AI-generated and it will be cheaper if we allow things to get that far and that advanced of course but so far it looks like things are headed exactly in this direction.
Sadly, it is going in that direction.

In the world of music there are already many artists who compose with AI, they make their video clips with AI and also the drawings of their covers (that's when I'm glad that in Metal we are more purist musically, but even so it is not exempt from being saved ). The voices of movies and series are also beginning to be dubbed with AI. Amazon has already started doing it and the result is TERRIBLE. The same happens with the translations of some books, with similar results: errors and incomprehensible parts.

There is no turning back from this. As you say, in a few years everything will be done with AI and we won't realize it.

For CDG I doubt it could affect. I suppose an autopsy will east ro see is not real. At least for now. And if we see "real" necro content we will assume that it is artificial.
I give a try to generate a realistic image of Kaidan Alenko using a sim image of him as reference.

Metal, meatpie friend. Here in Mexico it was a case about a student guy that was AI generating images of his female classmates, nude and in sex poses and went to jail. And I have posted in random media section about a US man that was generating pedo AI content and is now arrested and in process.