BAN "dysn" DANIEL now !!

I STILL do not TRUST YOU, "dsyn" DANIEL...NO COLLEGE SOPHOMORE does "research" this deep as you "claim" to be.

I strongly smell a RAT here; I assert YOU, "dsyn" DANIEL...are a nefarious imposter with totally malevolent and miscreant intentions.

DOES IT NOT STRIKE you CDG buds that "dsyn" DANIEL suddenly appears here at our mostly unknown cyber necro gay Shangra-La....and ba-BOOM...MAJOR PROBLEMS with CDG remaining on-line, almost LOSING this site and this cummunity FOREVER ????


I strongly URGE that this charlatan "dsyn" DANIEL be :sm::sm::sm::sm: ASAP !!

I warned that he was going to HARM this site, and I believe him/her/IT to have been the root cause of CDG's recent DEMISE....

...,.do you WANT to lose this necro gay Shangra-La FOREVER because of this bogus, flim-flammer SABOTEUR ?!?!?!?!?!

Well, DO YOU ???????????

:sm (30)::sm (37)::sm (37)::sm::sm::sm::sm:
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Um.. do I look like I'm some kind of uber hacker that is able to shut down servers/domain names? If I wanted to take down the site why would I ask questions to gain further knowledge?

And why would I let it come back up if it was me?

Just ask meat, I'm sure he know what the root of the problem was.

And I'm an imposter how? I'm exactly who I claim to be.
dsyn doesn't have anything to do with the recent "demise" of the site Arrow, which is too strong a word to use IMO.

Let's not overdramatize. Dudes if you continue to argue you basically derail the thread and we will have to close it.

You can move to the Flame/Hate section and continue there...I think its time to stop this nonsense.

It's obvious that dsyn likes the place, trolls/spammers don't usually waste so much time on a site they are simply not interested in.
"I smells a RAT

Um.. do I look like I'm some kind of uber hacker that is able to shut down servers/domain names? If I wanted to take down the site why would I ask questions to gain further knowledge?

And why would I let it come back up if it was me?

Just ask meat, I'm sure he know what the root of the problem was.

And I'm an imposter how? I'm exactly who I claim to be.

YOU surely seem to have a LOT of "spare" time on your hands as an alleged sophomore college student at the University of Oklahoma, USA

With SO MUCH going on on "your campus"... including your STUDIES, your BUDS, your EXCERCISE/SPORTS, EATING, certainly appear to be spending a WHOLE LOT of TIME HERE, so much so that the minute any of us POST anything in re you, YOU are RIGHT THERE to ANSWER RIGHT BACK !

NOW explain THIS phenomenon !

Either YOU ARE a GAY NECRO masquerading as a "sophomoric academic researcher" (give me a BREAK ! )....or you have other "motives" and you are NOT a college student at all.

Because IF INDEED you are a normal college student within this most active academic environment...

...then how do you have SO MUCHO MUCH time to spend here???

Nah, hey you CDG Marcellus proclaims in HAMLET, Act I,
Scene 4: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

Or as us guys say here in Chicagoland, USA...."I smells a RAT."


EDIT: OK, PieMan, last word HERE in this thread in re "dsyn" Daniel. I do feel it apropos, however, to address his INSTANT responses which I indeed DO find most peculiar given how busy college sophomores normally are here in the USA on major university campuses such as the University of Oklahoma.

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I go to oklahoma state. It's also 630 in the afternoon, and it's not JV baseball season.

I don't have a lot of friends, I'm quite the introvert and keep to myself.

Do you not think I'm a 19 year old kid or something?

And I've told meat already, if he would like me to leave that's fine, or if he wants to ban me, that's fine to. I don't force you to come into my threads. Feel free to exercise your rights.

Also, I apologize for the bickering meat, didn't come to fight.

And I answer you quickly because your paranoia amuses me.
my "paranoia amuses" you

I go to oklahoma state. It's also 630 in the afternoon, and it's not JV baseball season.

I don't have a lot of friends, I'm quite the introvert and keep to myself.

Do you not think I'm a 19 year old kid or something?

And I've told meat already, if he would like me to leave that's fine, or if he wants to ban me, that's fine to. I don't force you to come into my threads. Feel free to exercise your rights.

Also, I apologize for the bickering meat, didn't come to fight.

And I answer you quickly because your paranoia amuses me.

YOU say in still another RAPID response from your claimed university...

....that my "paranoia amuses" you. one who claims to be such a serious student and budding psychiatrist, is it not contradictory and a serious ethical violation that an alleged mental illness such as "paranoia" brings you amusement, i.e., LAUGHTER and JOY ??

Such a response as this does not sound like one dedicated to the seriousness of understanding the human psyche with reason and compassion as is the goal of WHOLESOME, LIFE-AFFIRMING, QUALITY PSYCHIATRY.

Sounds more like the "Dr. Josef Mengele School of SADISTIC Psychiatry."

Yah, more than EVAH before, I's SMELLS a REAL RAT, fer shure.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :totalshock: :totalshock: :sm (41): :sm (41): :sm (41):
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Trying to get anything you can, huh? That's kind of a loose interpretation of what I stated.

Also, since you enjoy nit-picking what I say, I don't believe I used the word 'paranois' as you have put it. In fact, I don't believe that exists.
HUH ???

Trying to get anything you can, huh? That's kind of a loose interpretation of what I stated.

Also, since you enjoy nit-picking what I say, I don't believe I used the word 'paranois' as you have put it. In fact, I don't believe that exists.


YOU stated above that my "paranoia amuses" you.

And then you state that "paranoia" does not exist????

Hey, my "budding" psychiatrist ..... explain this:

In the most current professional pscyhiatric diagnostic manual, DSM-IV-TR, there are numerous diagnostic categories for PARANOIAS.

And you assert there is no such pscyhiatric disease entity as "paranoia"?

LOL, how totally ABSURD and TOTALLY BOGUS.

HEY, YOUS two ways 'bout IT, fer shure...we got oursevles a real RAT here, fer shure, FER SHURE .... a real RAT.

:sm (37)::totalshock::sm (37)::totalshock::sm (41)::sm (41):
If this ranting goes on, this thread will be moved to the Flame/Hate section....

Please be careful what is written and typed in here.

YOU stated above that my "paranoia amuses" you.

And then you state that "paranoia" does not exist????

Hey, my "budding" psychiatrist ..... explain this:

In the most current professional pscyhiatric diagnostic manual, DSM-IV-TR, there are numerous diagnostic categories for PARANOIAS.

And you assert there is no such pscyhiatric disease entity as "paranoia"?

LOL, how totally ABSURD and TOTALLY BOGUS.

HEY, YOUS two ways 'bout IT, fer shure...we got oursevles a real RAT here, fer shure, FER SHURE .... a real RAT.

:sm (37)::totalshock::sm (37)::totalshock::sm (41)::sm (41):

Slow down. Read what I wrote again. You will feel retarded.

I clearly wrote, 'paranois' doesn't exist. You were the one that used the word paranois. Try actually reading what I wrote, and stop trolling my thread, I'm sure it's going to get locked/moved soon anyway.

Edit: I noticed you changed the spelling on the post in question from paranois to paranoia. Cute.
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If this ranting goes on, this thread will be moved to the Flame/Hate section....

Please be careful what is written and typed in here.

Apologies, trying to actually get some answers here but constantly having to defend myself..
No apologies needed, where two fight, two have blame.

"Slow down. Read what I wrote again. You will feel retarded." --- dsyn NOW, my "budding" use such an offensive, abusive term as "retarded."

HARDLY sounds once again like the kind of "term" that one who claims to have such a sensitivity to the human psyche would EVER consider to utilize.


Hey, this TERM went out of vogue about THREE CENTURIES ago....ever hear of BEDLAM??

Your mocking, pejorative terms such as "retarded" truly are saddening and pathetic.

No one earnestly pursuing studies in pscyhology and psychiatry would ever use such an ugly, repulsive term as this.

Keep up that mean-spirited attitude, you will not pass muster to even gain entrance into any accredited school of medicine in the USA or even a grad school in psychology.

You just don't have what it takes, give it up.

:sm (41): :sm (41): :sm (41):
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I'm not ever going to give up. And to be honest, retarded isn't offensive to all, maybe to you, but not to all. And to be frank, you are acting quite foolish and, well, retarded.

Perhaps giving up is something you've become accustomed to. I, however, shall not. I think I'll be quite fine in my schooling, my mother is a psychotherapist herself so I have some help on my side for guidance.

Get out of my thread. Your insults and derogatory remarks are unwelcome and unfounded. You have no reason to be so hateful to me and your reasons for acting as such are ridiculous.

If you don't want to answer the questions, that's fine. But don't sabotage my thread just so you can sleep tonight.
This is getting a bit out of hand....why don't you guys move to F/H? Your are filling this thread with meaningless insults, this is not the appropriate tone in General Discussion.

If I or the mods see one more post that shows disrecpect for the other you will both get a ban, thread will be locked and moved to F/H.

Remember that derailing threads by posting comments that are not related to the topic is against the rules, and yes you can get a ban for that.

Arrow if you need to talk with dsyn do so in the Flame/Hate section, I am sure he will reply.

You can talk there freely and openly about what you feel without the fear of comments being removed, threads getting locked and worse still getting banned. NOW, my "budding" use such an offensive, abusive term as "retarded."

HARDLY sounds once again like the kind of "term" that one who claims to have such a sensitivity to the human psyche would EVER consider to utilize.


No one earnestly pursuing studies in pscyhology and psychiatry would ever use such an ugly, repulsive term as this.

To me retarded does sound offensive. But yet again English is not my native language so I might be wrong.

And to be honest, retarded isn't offensive to all, maybe to you, but not to all. And to be frank, you are acting quite foolish and, well, retarded.

I have to disagree. We rarely see this word mentioned here. Arrow is definately not retarded, sorry dsyn but he is one of our most respected members here and a dear friend. We have been posting on internet boards for years, we basically talk every other day.

Arrow and I were amongs the most popular members on the ogrishforums (before we got banned). Arrow did a great job there and inspired a lot of gay necro to stand up for what we like.

He has a free way of thinking, can be a real friend and show brotherly love....something most men fail to do these days.

I personally admire him.

Love you Arrow. Maybe take it easy man on young dsyn, he is fun to talk to, it would be sad if he leaves because of your remarks.

Give him a chance :sm (64):
My apologies then. However you have to understand in my generation (keep in mind I'm 19) the word 'retarded' is commonly used. To describe usually something someone has done that is foolish, or awkward. Much like everyone in my generation uses the word "Gay". Like "that video game is gay!". They use the word more to describe something that is a bit stupid, or out of place.

So you'll have to excuse me, but in my generation, retarded is not as offensive as it is to people of your generation or culture. Again, I'm no philologist, but this is just my view on the matter. I can still refrain from using it, though.

That's great you guys were really popular on ogrish, and I'm sure he's an outstanding citizen among the necrophilia community.

As far as the free way of thinking, I have to question that much, since I've been attacked numerous times throughout this thread for pretty much no reason at all.

Again, not trying to fight, only defending myself.

Edit: Feel free to lock the thread. The point of it has been lost thanks to mindless ranting and insults. Congrats, Arrow, you win in destroying this thread. I'll just have to make another one later. Thanks.
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This thread aint dead yet, it has interesting thoughts and has proven quite popular. We won't lock if for now but will closely monitor it.

Calling all things ghey was very popular at one point, true but it is just plain boring now.

19 is a great die :)

Sorry, I am necro remember.

When I was 19 I shagged two to three different guys a day believe it or not I was such a slut.

Or if I had a boyfriend I will shag him up to five times until he begs me to stop shagging him because he can't take anymore cock and can't even cum.

Those were the days!!!

I didn't think about work, all I think was who to shag, going out with mates getting drunk and smoking pot.

I lived with my granny then. I would come home after a shag, the meal ready. We would watch some boring TV show, then after they go to bed I will secretly go out again....I ...go messing aroung with my mates and kissing and messing.

Sometimes I didn't cum home for days :)

All is different now but thats a another story.
Interesting, I have not heard of the book but it sounds right up my alley for what I'm trying to learn. Thanks, I'll check it out. Do you think I could find that at a local library?

I saw it on sale in the 'True Crime' section in my local Border Books recently - still in ordinary bookshops after over 20 years. Granted that's in UK and he's a UK killer, so may not be quite so easily available in the States, but I'd guess a good library would have it. Or Amazon -
looks like they've got a used (used - by one of us?!?) copy for $0.01. And even offers it gift-wrapped.

PS Sorry you've had a hard time here. That shouldn't have happened, you've started a good discussion - let's keep it on-topic, and keep any flaming for the basement where it''s OK.
I saw it on sale in the 'True Crime' section in my local Border Books recently - still in ordinary bookshops after over 20 years. Granted that's in UK and he's a UK killer, so may not be quite so easily available in the States, but I'd guess a good library would have it. Or Amazon -
looks like they've got a used (used - by one of us?!?) copy for $0.01. And even offers it gift-wrapped.

PS Sorry you've had a hard time here. That shouldn't have happened, you've started a good discussion - let's keep it on-topic, and keep any flaming for the basement where it''s OK.

Appreciate it, and I agree on the discussion.

So he was a UK killer? As in he killed men and then had sex with their bodies later?

Sounds like the Jeffrey Dahmer of the UK..

Was this a book written by him or just a book with a compilation of his diagrams and such?
I saw it on sale in the 'True Crime' section in my local Border Books recently - still in ordinary bookshops after over 20 years. Granted that's in UK and he's a UK killer, so may not be quite so easily available in the States, but I'd guess a good library would have it. Or Amazon -
looks like they've got a used (used - by one of us?!?) copy for $0.01. And even offers it gift-wrapped.

PS Sorry you've had a hard time here. That shouldn't have happened, you've started a good discussion - let's keep it on-topic, and keep any flaming for the basement where it''s OK.
Did he take pics of the victims? Are there pics? I assume not. Are there illustrations at least? I never saw this one at the bookstore, I spend hours looking for stuff like this. I'd like to know before forking over 22 bucks.