:sm (18):
I have this to say to Arrow...AMEN! I concur. BTW, I have a degree in psychology.
And I have a master's degree in necrophilia and I am doing a Ph.D on Foot Fetishism.

My main question is, why do young guys' socks stink!!!
Well, EXCUSE ME...how picky you are for someone here to study us, not tutor us in a spelling lesson.

YES, "sophomoric" is correct, and that is what you are, right? A college SOPHOMORE if you are even IN college AT all.

DSM-IV is NOT an "old text." Rather, it IS the current diagnostic manual utilized by all who work in pyschiatry, as in:

"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)"

What are you going to ADD onto any understanding ALREADY contained within the DSM-IV?? YES, a DSM-V is in the process of being written, by PhD's in psychology and MD's in psychiatry and practitioners in the field of mental health...but NOT by "college sophomores."

YOU don't even have a Bachelor of Science degree yet, and you portend to compete with PhD's and MD's and academic full-time researchers at the finest acadamic research centers in the USA such as Harvard, Princeton, the Unverity of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, Washington University in St. Louis, Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine ??

Give me a BREAK.

You are just using us as your "Pavlov's drooling dogs"...I note that you had no comment on that reference I made, maybe too factual and I came to close to "hitting the mark" in re your "research project."Well, you go right ahead and observe us in your pitiful college sophomoric "petri dish."

I AM JUST ALERTING YOU GUYS here on CDG that I know very well the world of research in medicine and psychiatry, and this "dsyn" is USING you; I recommend you answer NONE of his/her questions and probings.

It is YOUR business where to go with him/her, not mine.

But as for ME, I am silent to any "research questions" this individual raises here, as I strongly sense s/he is doing this "research" for ulterior motives....and IF you want more such "researchers" and inquiring attention to come here and STUDY you ... then just beware.

BEWARE of what, you pray doeth ask? BEWARE of this site becoming a well-known "research" entity and inquirers which will in time bring others here to "examine" AND inquire about all of this, leading ultimately in this site going POOF in the dark of night and "gone with the wind."

OPEN this mostly undiscovered necro Shangra-La website up to "academic researchers" and other probing, snoopy, NOSEY "inquirers" from the "outside world" and KISS this site GOOD-BYE.

IF that is what you guys seek, then just keep at it, sewing the seeds of CDG's destruction. So "dsyn"....now term me "paranoid." LOL, term it right: I DON'T TRUST YOU and I URGE OTHERS HERE to LIKEWISE SO DO.

IF you refuse to answer his/her questions, then s/he will abandon this site in due course and move onto other more productive "academic research.

However, my assertion remains that this individual is NOT conducting any bona fide "acadmic research" here but rather is engaging in outright, bald morbid voyeurism with alterior motives

You DO NOT have to answer ANY QUESTIONS, irregardless how "innocent" they may "appear" to be !!!!

VERSTEHEN SIE (do you understand) ???

:sm (6): :sm (6): :sm (37): :sm (37): :sm (41): :sm (41): :haytchoo:

Your anger is cute, really. However, quite unnecessary.

I am not trying to pick on your spelling, but if you are going to insult me, you might as well use an actual word.

Also, yes, I am a college sophomore. Is that a problem? What should my age have to do with my curiosity?

Why should I comment on your comment about Pavlov's dogs? Do you even comprehend the nature of that experiment? Perhaps if I even had an experiment in the first place (rather than just asking simple questions like I am now) and that experiment were to see "If users of this forum will respond to questions I ask" then yes, perhaps you could make some very loose comparison.

Thanks, I do know what the DSM-IV is, and that there is a DSM-V in the works.

That's great, but that's not how I want to learn about necrophiliacs. I would rather get the story from the people who actually experience it; rather than findings from those of the past.

Why should I accept what has been already founded to be fact? Do you accept Freudian views on sexuality? Of course not. They are outlandish.

So, let me get this straight. You say that I'm some nobody, unintelligent kid that doesn't know what I'm talking about. Then you say that somehow I'll end up exposing this site as some sort of research hub to 'my colleagues'. Seriously? So I'm stupid and unqualified, and then I'm some sort of research institute spy?

How am I pretending to compete with those of such prestigious academia? I don't pretend to know everything about psychology or proclaim to know more than others.

That's fine if you don't want to answer my questions. You don't have to. No one here has to. Which is why it's up on a PUBLIC forum where a user has a CHOICE to hit the 'reply' button.

I'm not forcing anyone here to answer any questions; all I was asking for was to be able to understand you all a little bit more.

Yes, they should 'Know their rights'. You have the right to not answer any questions, and you have the right to answer them if you wish. So why attack me? I'm not forcing anyone into anything here.

Would you rather me be like the millions of other people that just assume you are somehow criminally insane because of your desires? Well that's not who I am, I'm a generally more accepting person and only want to learn more.

To conclude, go ahead and have your assertions. That's great. Unfounded albeit unnecessary, but great.

My desire was only to learn more.

In short, it's fine if you don't want to answer my questions. Go on and skip to one of the many other threads in the forum. If you would like to, great, it helps a budding psychologist seek a greater understanding of sexuality.

Get a LIFE

Your anger is cute, really. However, quite unnecessary.

I am not trying to pick on your spelling, but if you are going to insult me, you might as well use an actual word.

Also, yes, I am a college sophomore. Is that a problem? What should my age have to do with my curiosity?

Why should I comment on your comment about Pavlov's dogs? Do you even comprehend the nature of that experiment? Perhaps if I even had an experiment in the first place (rather than just asking simple questions like I am now) and that experiment were to see "If users of this forum will respond to questions I ask" then yes, perhaps you could make some very loose comparison.

Thanks, I do know what the DSM-IV is, and that there is a DSM-V in the works.

That's great, but that's not how I want to learn about necrophiliacs. I would rather get the story from the people who actually experience it; rather than findings from those of the past.

Why should I accept what has been already founded to be fact? Do you accept Freudian views on sexuality? Of course not. They are outlandish.

So, let me get this straight. You say that I'm some nobody, unintelligent kid that doesn't know what I'm talking about. Then you say that somehow I'll end up exposing this site as some sort of research hub to 'my colleagues'. Seriously? So I'm stupid and unqualified, and then I'm some sort of research institute spy?

How am I pretending to compete with those of such prestigious academia? I don't pretend to know everything about psychology or proclaim to know more than others.

That's fine if you don't want to answer my questions. You don't have to. No one here has to. Which is why it's up on a PUBLIC forum where a user has a CHOICE to hit the 'reply' button.

I'm not forcing anyone here to answer any questions; all I was asking for was to be able to understand you all a little bit more.

Yes, they should 'Know their rights'. You have the right to not answer any questions, and you have the right to answer them if you wish. So why attack me? I'm not forcing anyone into anything here.

Would you rather me be like the millions of other people that just assume you are somehow criminally insane because of your desires? Well that's not who I am, I'm a generally more accepting person and only want to learn more.

To conclude, go ahead and have your assertions. That's great. Unfounded albeit unnecessary, but great.

My desire was only to learn more.

In short, it's fine if you don't want to answer my questions. Go on and skip to one of the many other threads in the forum. If you would like to, great, it helps a budding psychologist seek a greater understanding of sexuality.



So gay, saying my anger is so "cute."

This is becoming quite OLD.

Well, we will JUST see how many more "responses" you receive from this website to help you grow as a "budding pscyhologist."

Most here are way too busy "budding" in other arenas than subjecting themselves to your multiple lines of "academic inquiry."

Ain't that right, guys?

YOUS BETTCHAS it SHURE, SHURE IZ, oh yah, just no two ways 'bout IT, just aint...n' yous guys, yous GUYS noes this, OH YAH, yous SHURE, SHURE da-DOEZ !!!!

Get a LIFE, "cute" Daniel....sumwhere else, cuz' you ain't gonna have much o' one here..unless, u is doin' yer "academic research" project while a rubbin' yer bonin' LANCER ra-ROD !

:sm (58)::sm (58)::sm (1)::load::load::sm (45)::sm (45)::sm (42)::sm (42):
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Love you too :)


So gay, saying my anger is so "cute."

This is becoming quite OLD.

Well, we will JUST see how many more "responses" you receive from this website to help you grow as a "budding pscyhologist."

Most here are way too busy "budding" in other arenas than subjecting themselves to your multiple lines of "academic inquiry."

Ain't that right, guys?

YOUS BETTCHAS it SHURE, SHURE IZ, oh yah, just no two ways 'bout IT, just aint...n' yous guys, yous GUYS noes this, OH YAH, yous SHURE, SHURE da-DOEZ !!!!

Get a LIFE, "cute" Daniel....sumwhere else, cuz' you ain't gonna have much o' one here..unless, u is doin' yer "academic research" project while a rubbin' yer bonin' LANCER ra-ROD along with the rest of it, ta experience yer "research project"...first hand with yer cummin' DICK !

:sm (58)::sm (58)::sm (1)::load::load::load::sm (45)::sm (42)::sm (42):
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So gay, saying my anger is so "cute."

This is becoming quite OLD.

Well, we will JUST see how many more "responses" you receive from this website to help you grow as a "budding pscyhologist."

Most here are way too busy "budding" in other arenas than subjecting themselves to your multiple lines of "academic inquiry."

Ain't that right, guys?

YOUS BETTCHAS it SHURE, SHURE IZ, oh yah, just no two ways 'bout IT, just aint...n' yous guys, yous GUYS noes this, OH YAH, yous SHURE, SHURE da-DOEZ !!!!

Get a LIFE, "cute" Daniel....sumwhere else, cuz' you ain't gonna have much o' one here..unless, u is doin' yer "academic research" project while a rubbin' yer bonin' LANCER ra-ROD along with the rest of it, ta experience yer "research project"...first hand with yer cummin' DICK !

:sm (58)::sm (58)::sm (1)::load::load::load::sm (45)::sm (42)::sm (42):

Yup, I guess we'll see. And even if no one feels like answering my questions, I'll still hang around, I enjoy the community and chatting with you all :sm (55):

Also I have a life, one that I enjoy, and I like to spend it learning about this kind of stuff :sm (44):

Well my :sm (23): with you is over I believe. I'll get back to my learning while you get back to your.. well, whatever it is you like to do, really.
Also I have a life, one that I enjoy

Whats your view on death ?

Do you fear it?

Would you make a cute dead guy?

What happens if you die young and we post your pics here and comment on your deathstare, cock or body?

If you are a cute sexy guy members will vote for you and you can compete with other dead young guys for "Cutest Dead Guy of the year".

What do you think about this, isn't it sick?

That would make ordinary people sick but as I can see you are not impressed.

I think you are necro yourself.
That's IT, PieMAN !

Whats your view on death ?

Do you fear it?

Would you make a cute dead guy?

What happens if you die young and we post your pics here and comment on your deathstare, cock or body?

If you are a cute sexy guy members will vote for you and you can compete with other dead young guys for "Cutest Dead Guy of the year".

What do you think about this, isn't it sick?

That would make ordinary people sick but as I can see you are not impressed.

I think you are necro yourself.

YES, ask "Daniel the ba-BUDDIN psych" sum questions, too, PieMan..BRILLIANT !!

Fer shure, PieMan, methinks DannyBoy here is a GAY NECRO himself, his "academic research project" bein' tryin' ta figure out why HE himself is a GAY NECRO !

That's IT !

Otherwise, why wud he be hangin' around here so much on a USA Saturday afternoon when MOST 19 yr old healthy USA college student studs are out doin' sports, fukin' their GF's or goin' ta the movies...or just sleepin' in, drinkin' with their buds at the local bar watchin' sports, or fer the real NERDS, at the college/university library....YIKES..yah, a STUDYING !!

Fer shure, sumthin' quite nawt all on the UP n' UP with this here buddin' DannyBoy shrink...

Methinks, too, PieMan, he is a GAY NECRO, tryin' ta figure his GAY NECRONESS out with us, oh yah, yous bettchas, this is my workin' HYPOTHESIS on young DannyBoy PsychSHRINK Stud MEATER ha-HERE !

:sm (55)::sm (55)::sm (45)::sm (45)::sm (53)::sm (53)::sm (51):
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Whats your view on death ?

Do you fear it?

Would you make a cute dead guy?

What happens if you die young and we post your pics here and comment on your deathstare, cock or body?

If you are a cute sexy guy members will vote for you and you can compete with other dead young guys for "Cutest Dead Guy of the year".

What do you think about this, isn't it sick?

That would make ordinary people sick but as I can see you are not impressed.

I think you are necro yourself.

I will gladly answer these :)

Whats your view on death ?
Quite frankly death to me is an odd thing. I can't say I embrace it, but I can't say I'm terrified of it. I know that it is folly to think that I can somehow avoid it, but alas we all know it is inevitable.

Do you fear it?
Yes. I fear the afterlife honestly. My religious views and my sexuality (gay) don't line up, and it causes me great stress.

Would you make a cute dead guy?
I'm really not sure. Should I post a picture of myself? Honestly I've never even entertained the thought of what my dead body would look like. I guess it depends on how I died.. hopefully painlessly.

What happens if you die young and we post your pics here and comment on your deathstare, cock or body?
Well if somehow you managed to get pictures of it.. I suppose that's okay. It's not like I'm using my body anymore..

If you are a cute sexy guy members will vote for you and you can compete with other dead young guys for "Cutest Dead Guy of the year".

That's a tad creepy, not sure I'd want to be the winner haha.

What do you think about this, isn't it sick?

If you are referring to necrophiliac desires, to some they may seem sick, to others they seem quite natural. I tend to think that everyones brain just ticks a bit differently, and that your 'tick' is just more rare than others. Does some of the pictures on this website gross me out? Sure. Can I say that I'm attracted to some of the men in the photos? Very few. I'm attracted to a bit heavier guys, (bears). And.. I prefer them in good health.

I can't say that I'm a necro myself, as I am not aroused by very many if any of the pictures on the site. Personally I'm more turned on by actual intercourse rather than just singular pictures of people. Though I'm not sure I'd be any more turned on if in that intercourse one of the people was dead or badly injured :/
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YES, ask "Daniel the ba-BUDDIN psych" sum questions, too, PieMan..BRILLIANT !!

Fer shure, PieMan, methinks DannyBoy here is a GAY NECRO himself, his "academic research project" bein' tryin' ta figure out why HE himself is a GAY NECRO !

That's IT !

Otherwise, why wud he be hangin' around here so much on a USA Saturday afternoon when MOST 19 yr old healthy USA college student studs are out doin' sports, fukin' their GF's or goin' ta the movies...or just sleepin' in, drinkin' with their buds, or fer the real NERDS, at the college/university library....YIKES..
yah, STUDYING !!

Fer shure, sumthin' quite nawt all on the UP n' UP with this here buddin' Daniel shrink...

Methinks, too, PieMan, he is a GAY NECRO, tryin' ta figure his GAY NECRONESS out with us, oh yah, yous bettchas, this is my workin'
HYPOTHESIS on young DannyBoy PsychSHRINK Stud MEATER ha-HERE !

:sm (55)::sm (55)::sm (45)::sm (45)::sm (53)::sm (53)::sm (51):

Heh, first of all I'm on here on a Saturday and not outside because it is snowing outside. Oklahoma has very odd weather.

Also, I play baseball at the college I attend. So I'm very much into sports.

I don't drink, I'm underage.

Also, I can't say that I'm a necrophiliac. I'm not even attracted to skinnier/muscled guys when they are in perfect health, let alone dead/dying.

I'm attracted to bears/huskier guys.

Lastly, I enjoy the questions. Keep them coming if you like.

Oh DannyBoy

Heh, first of all I'm on here on a Saturday and not outside because it is snowing outside. Oklahoma has very odd weather.

Also, I play baseball at the college I attend. So I'm very much into sports.

I don't drink, I'm underage.

Also, I can't say that I'm a necrophiliac. I'm not even attracted to skinnier/muscled guys when they are in perfect health, let alone dead/dying.

I'm attracted to bears/huskier guys.

Lastly, I enjoy the questions. Keep them coming if you like.


Well, DannyBoy the "buddin" shrinkSTUD...gotta give you an "A" for persistence n' patience at least.

Hey, go lift sum weights at the gymn there, get a change of scene, build UP them muscles, make yer pits REEK n' yer manFEETERS stink !

Then report back ta us how they SMELL, all the DETAILS, ok?

You one of those USA college studs that goes around scruffy faced n' thick hair?

What ya look like, DannyBoy the Buddin' ShrinkerSTUDman?

Curious manCOCKS here wanna noes, shure da-DO, yous BETTCHAS !

OH, n' by the way, methinks you is STILL... a GAY NECRO in DENIAL !

P S...you Irish, DannyBoy ???

:sm (52)::sm (31)::sm (8)::sm (32):
Well, DannyBoy the "buddin" shrinkSTUD...gotta give you an "A" for persistence n' patience at least.

Hey, go lift sum weights at the gymn there, get a change of scene, build UP them muscles, make yer pits REEK n' yer manFEETERS stink !

Then report back ta us how they SMELL, all the DETAILS, ok?

You one of those USA college studs that goes around scruffy faced n' thick hair?

What ya look like, DannyBoy the Buddin' ShrinkerSTUDman?

Curious manCOCKS here wanna noes, shure da-DO, yous BETTCHAS !

OH, n' by the way, methinks you is STILL... a GAY NECRO in DENIAL !

P S...you Irish, DannyBoy ???

:sm (52)::sm (31)::sm (8)::sm (32):

I'll answer those the best I can..

Yeah, my hair is kinda thick. I usually have a faeux hawk type thing and yeah, I usually keep a goatee or beard. Some kind of facial hair.

Heh, well I guess I'll let you think that :)

And yes, I do have Irish in me.
Thanks Daniel, really interesting thoughts. We have a thread for member's photos, post your pics if you want.

I think Arrow is right, most young guys care only for fucking pussy and booze....ahhh and fast cars.

Why care for necrophilia so much if you are not necro yourself?

BTW speaking of cars, I love young guys who die in car wrecks, they are my favourites. I often jerk to a lad whose brain spilled on the road but his body was well preserved. We posted the full set of him stark naked in morgue.

I can't say I'm terrified of it. /

I think most people are scared of death, and this is normal. I think you too are scared to die and pray that it isn't painful, RIGHT?

Some people go to sites like CDG and OGRISH just to see photos of dead people and I think in a way that helps them overcome their fear in a way.

Its interesting you mentioned you check the pics? Why? Out of curiousity?

I fear the afterlife honestly. My religious views and my sexuality (gay) don't line up, and it causes me great stress./

That's crazy...afterlife, GOD....You speak like you are sill living in the 18th century.

Well if somehow you managed to get pictures of it.. /

You never really now. There are people from my neighbourhood that ended up on gore forums and on theYNC just because someone had a camera on when they croaked.

. I'm attracted to a bit heavier guys, (bears). And.. I prefer them in good health./

Do you want me to post some dead "bears" for you?

I think you are necro Daniel, no offence mate.
Thanks Daniel, really interesting thoughts. We have a thread for member's photos, post your pics if you want.

I think Arrow is right, most young guys care only for fucking pussy and booze....ahhh and fast cars.

Why care for necrophilia so much if you are not necro yourself?

BTW speaking of cars, I love young guys who die in car wrecks, they are my favourites. I often jerk to a lad whose brain spilled on the road but his body was well preserved. We posted the full set of him stark naked in morgue.

I think most people are scared of death, and this is normal. I think you too are scared to die and pray that it isn't painful, RIGHT?

Some people go to sites like CDG and OGRISH just to see photos of dead people and I think in a way that helps them overcome their fear in a way.

Its interesting you mentioned you check the pics? Why? Out of curiousity?

That's crazy...afterlife, GOD....You speak like you are sill living in the 18th century.

You never really now. There are people from my neighbourhood that ended up on gore forums and on theYNC just because someone had a camera on when they croaked.

Do you want me to post some dead "bears" for you?

I think you are necro Daniel, no offence mate.

To answer your question on why I care so much for necrophilia, its more that I care about the people who experience necrophilia, rather than necrophilia itself. I plan to do this same sort of study on zoophilia, scat, and any other sort of 'out of the ordinary' fetish I can find. It just so happens that this forum is very unique in its community and you actually provide worthwhile conversation.

Also, yes I can say that I am scared of death in some way. Why do I check the pics? Because I want to see out of curiosity what these deceased people look like. I also read the comments given to see if any particular part of the picture is given any more emphasis (for example, "I love how his mouth is hanging open" or "how his eyes are barely open"). Also, I'm not easily grossed out. I've seen pretty much every gross video or picture on the net, like 2girls1cup, and am not really phased by it.

I didn't think you would accept my religious comment very well, heh, but it's true I am a Christian. Do I intend to try and convert people ? Of course not, I struggle with my religion / sexual desires often.

Eh, I still don't think I'm necro. I get no errection or any other sort of desire towards the pictures. I feel more sadness than anything for someone who has died young. Like they never really were able to live out their full potential in life :/.

Also, it's interesting your thoughts on cars. Anything in particular that turns you on about death inside of a car? Like the fact that they were being careless, or that you can usually see their brains? Does an alive person in a car have the same effect on you?
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I would love to read your opinion on scat, thats possibly among the few things I absolutely fail to comprehend.

We have people here who enjoy scat as well. :sm (33):

One more question.

If theoratically we meet, and I am a bear and you like me and I like you...we click but when we go to bed I decide to share I have a foot fetish and want to suck your toes.

How would you react?

This is really important for me because it turns out its a problem for me.

Most guys won't let me suck their toes but let me suck their cocks without a problem.

I don't understand that.

Is it fear? People thing its repulsive?

A very cute guy I fucked decided to dump me just because I tried to suck his toes and lick his foot.

:sm (12):

So would you think I was insane if I asked you to let me eat your soles?

Honestly, if it happened to you in real life. Don't try to come up with a theory, I want your reaction.

Yes or No?

From my experience I think people are terribly prejudiced against those who have a slightly different taste in bed.
I would love to read your opinion on scat, thats possibly among the few things I absolutely fail to comprehend.

We have people here who enjoy scat as well. :sm (33):

One more question.

If theoratically we meet, and I am a bear and you like me and I like you...we click but when we go to bed I decide to share I have a foot fetish and want to suck your toes.

How would you react?

This is really important for me because it turns out its a problem for me.

Most guys won't let me suck their toes but let me suck their cocks without a problem.

I don't understand that.

Is it fear? People thing its repulsive?

A very cute guy I fucked decided to dump me just because I tried to suck his toes and lick his foot.

:sm (12):

So would you think I was insane if I asked you to let me eat your soles?

I do not have a full-fledged opinion on scat as of yet.. It is a very interesting fetish. I think that its something that is taboo -- as in many people thinks its gross, turns them on. They feel they are rebels against society in some way.

Other than that, I'm still learning about it. Something about the warmth of feces is appealing to them as well.

Anyway, to answer your question.

Quite frankly, it doesn't bother me to have a guy do that. In fact, when my boyfriend bites my foot, it feels really good actually. (haha).

I don't have a foot fetish mind you, but it doesn't gross me out. Just because you happen to be obsessed with a certain body part wouldn't really phase me.

Honestly, I think the reason you have been having negative results with it is its new for them.

They are probably not used to having a guy lick and suck there toes, or lick there feet. Does it hurt? No. But it feels weird to them, and naturally they probably want it to stop because of that.

They are used to having a guy suck their dick, so naturally they are comfortable with that.

Many people are afraid of new experiences. They are afraid to be classified as a 'freak' or 'pervert'. So when you provide them with this new experience of being obsessed with their feet, they are repulsed by it.

A solution?.. Not sure I can give you one now. Maybe start by only kissing their feet, or rubbing them. Get them first used to having stimulation on their feet before you go for full fledged sucking toes or licking their soles. It's a long process, but probably worth it in the end.

To answer your question, personally no, I wouldn't think it insane of you. My BF bites my feet and kisses them sometimes when we have sex. I enjoy it. So my first reaction would be that it doesn't bother me.

Also, I agree with you about people being prejudiced in bed. It is really quite stupid to think of a person as mentally inferior or insane just because something that stimulates their brain doesn't stimulate yours.
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I noticed you mention the word "obsessed" on several occassions. In my view being obsessed implies that you are only thinking about feet and not anything else.

While for most of us, feet are something we enjoy along with the othe stuff "normal" gays do, like blowjobs, massage and kisses.

I think your explanation for scat is too simplistic. There must be something else.

Search for scat we have threads about it, if you are intersted.

BTW you are right about the feet thing, most guys are reluctant at first but if you take it easy and you are gentle they will give you what you want.

One dude even agreed to put him on a slab and play dead for me even though he had an entirely different fetish that I didn't like.

He wanted me to burn his nipples.
