
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Reports now confirm that Hosni Mubarak has finally decided to step down as president of Egypt after more than 30 years in power.


Congratulations to the Egyptian people from, they showed awesome resilience in the face of evil.

Let's hope they don't vote for the Muslim Brotherhood in the next general elections.
MUBAREK has just stepped down according to news media

Egyptian President Hasni Mubarek has reportedly just stepped down according to Egyptian VP,
being reported now by
Reuters, the BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC News
The Associated Press.

Now awaiting official confirmation
here in the USA
The United States Department of State
The White House.

President Obama
said to be preparing public statement
for press conference being hastily arranged now at
The White House.

Young studs erupting in sheer jubilation
across Tahir Sqaure in Cairo
by the thousands ..
if possible, watch this historic moment now
on any news media service available.
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is that interessting? u mean some public hangings and beheadings will follow now?
This is history in the making, it took him more than three weeks of constant riots to realize people could no longer stand him.
Now what for Egypt

Now what for Egypt??

Deal is with popular revolutions such as this, almost always what next comes are even WORSE, extreme and oppressive regimes. This happened with:

- The French Revolution (Robespierre)
- The Russian Revolution (Lenin)
- The German Revolution in the 1930s (Hitler)
- The Chinese Revolution (Mao)
- The Palestinian Revolution (Arafat then Hamas)
- The Iraqi Revolution (Sadam)
- The Iranian Revolution (Ahmadinejad)

The United States and Free World are hopeful that what happened here in The United States of America (with the American Revolution in 1776 and then the establishment of a democratic form of government) will occur in Egypt.

ODDS are vastly against this, especially in the volatile, radically Islamic driven Mideast as it mostly exists today.

CELEBRATE NOW, while the going is good ... what is next to come may well be 1000x WORSE than Old Man Mubarek EVER was.

Time will tell .. we now enter a most critical time in history for The Free World and Human Rights. :question mark::question mark::question mark:
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I agree, Iran-like muslim state is the worst case scenario, change is in the air I am optimistic about Egypt, it's a beautiful country going back millenia.

The United States is in deep trouble, Obama failed to deliver the change he promised and the economy is stil fragile, monster deficit. High-speed rail is planned but will it help?
Definitely, Pie. An Iran-like Muslim radical, extremist state like we now witness in Iran would be a total catrosphe. Not only for Egypt, but for the entire Mideast and world.

Egypt has been the most reliable and dependable ally of the United States in the Mideast. Our military trains the Egyptian military in many instances, and we have give billions to Egypt over the years to sustain them and keep them from falling to radical Islamists.

The United States CANNOT afford to lose Egypt as an ally, the reason why we tolerated Old Man Mubarek for thirty years. The United States government here was completely sideswiped by this Egyptian revolution, including the CIA. The U S Congress here is now enraged that our military intelligence services had NO CLUE that this overthrow was about to occur, and The President is said to be raging as well behind the scenes.

We have ourselves here a BIG MESS with our current military operations in Afghanistan and to a lesser extent still in Iraq, which have bankrupted the American economy. The United States and Alliance forces CANNOT afford in dollars or resources to counter any further conflicts in this region of the world.

This time of uprising in Egypt is a both a time of great promise and great disaster. This is still a crisis, and will be for months until the "dust settles" .. and what evolves is better seen ... and shaped .. by VERY POWERFUL forces and interests both FOR FREEDOM and AGAINST FREEDOM.

As for Obama not fulfulling his promises, he has much to overcome here, mostly extremist right-wingers who want to keep the power, privilege and money flowing TO THEM and not to "We, the People."

We have a battle royal here in the USA for greater freedom and opportunity, too ... for everyone rather than just for the few, annointed ones. For MAIN STREET and not only WALL STREET.

The verdict is out here yet, too. The struggle continues for freedom, hope and a more democratic tomorrow for everyone.
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I can't believe you are so narrow-minded Arrow.

The United States played a double game with Mubarak. Supporting him on the surface, pouring billions into Egypt's Army but at the same time conspiring against the regime.

Plans have been under way to remove Mubarak from power from 2007, the United States had and still has secret agents in Egypt who were preparing the revolution.

Mubarak caught them and put them in prison.

You can read this in any European newspaper, on the BBC etc. even in Bulgarian newspapers.

The United States operates a global espionage system through it's embassies and has spies everywhere, even in Sofia.

People in Europe are not that stupid, Americans need to read more European newspapers not just CNN.

CNN is for retards.

America is failing as a global superpower, wikileaks damaged US diplomacy beyond repair.

I am not against the United States, I hope you guys manage to pull through but with that monster budget deficit strong and rapid recovery seems unlikely.

The rich in the US are getting richer while millions are on benefits Arrow, the poor are getting poorer, for how long can this continue?

What is even worse is that world population is constantly increasing, pushing food prices higher and higher.

China will go bust in the next few years, it's unevitable.

A global revolution is needed, this world needs radical change or war, mayhem and riots will become the order of the day.
U S alleged clandestine activity to overthow Mubarek

Hey Pie ...

I enjoy discussing this issue very much with you and all others NOT here in the USA (I am in the USA, so other perspectives are most informative).

I was not aware of any United States alleged clandestine activity now or in the past to overthrow Egyptian President Hasni Mubarek.

The best news sources here report to us what has happened in Egypt this very day is a "popular people's revolution" which the USA had no involvement -- wanting rather the Egyptian people to shape their own destiny.

Vice-President Joe Biden earlier today stated that the American Government and People are proud of this "people's revolution" -- that it is largely the result of such social medial networks as Facebook, Twitter and the Internet.

Our Vice-President also shortly stated ago that high technology now used by young people everywhere will change the world for the "great cause of human justice and freedeom."

Pie .. whereas our diplomatic community may have had some input into this Egyptian revolution and certainly both Bush and now Obama were not pleased with Mubarek, I do believe this is still mostly an Egyptian revolution created by Egyptians for Egyptians and the advancement of dignity, freedom and human rights. Not about the USA, about Egypt !

AND yes, the United States as I stated in my post above is extremely concerned right now about what is NOW to be in Egypt, as this state is KEY to the entire future of peace, commerce and stability throught the entire Middle East. Again, the United States and Free World cannot afford in any way to have Egypt turn into a radical Islamic Theocracy .. and the people there do not want this, either.

President Obama has now just completed speaking live from The White House on all of this, and all the news media covered his speech live, on television, the radio and on-line.

President Obama and his allies in the United States Congress and Democratic Party here are well aware that powerful, big monied interests are viciously opposed to him and his agenda to make the USA better work for "all the people, for 'We, the People.'" Our President here is "fighting the good fight" for the just cause of greater freedom and liberty for ALL people here in the USA and the world wide.

The President and the Democratic Party cannot be expected to "bring the change" instantly -- rather, such a turn of events FOR THE PEOPLE does take time. YET already
The President has, to name just a few of his major accomplishments (including historic legislation to PROTECT gay men and women in the U S military, FIRST-TIME ever in American military history):

#1 Health Care Reform. Although controversial in nature, President Obama’s historic signing of the health care reform bill (i.e., The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) will result in health care coverage for over 30 million additional Americans, as well as lowered costs for most Americans. Additionally, the health care reform bill will preclude insurance companies from placing lifetime limits on benefits and from denying coverage to individuals and family members with pre-existing health conditions.

#2 Wall Street Reform. President Obama signed the historic Wall Street Reform Bill, which was established to put an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts, create a new watchdog agency within the Federal Reserve to protect consumers in financial transactions, give the government more power to break up failing companies and create greater congressional oversight over the central bank.

#3 HIRE Act. President Obama signed the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which included $17.5 billion in tax cuts, business credits and subsidies for state and local construction bonds, and moved $20 billion into the highway trust fund for spending on highway and transit programs. The bill also exempts businesses that hire unemployed workers from paying the payroll security tax through December of 2010.

#4 Iraq. One of the primary messages of his presidential campaign was the withdrawal of combat troops out of Iraq. President Obama and his National Defense personnel were able to implement this promise, as more than 90,000 combat troops were withdrawn out of Iraq by August 31, 2010.

#5 New START. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) is a bilateral treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) that is purposed to reduce the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers by half and to establish a new inspection and verification regime. The treaty was recently ratified by Congress after being signed earlier this year by President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

#6 DADT Appeal. President Obama recently signed the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ (DADT) Repeal Bill into law, which will allow gays to serve openly in America’s military. For the first time in history, gays no longer have to hide their sexual orientation or face dismissal. According to objective statistics, more than 13,000 military personnel were released under the DADT since 1993.

#7 Tax Cuts. President Obama recently signed an enormous tax cut bill that will extend the Bush era tax cuts for families at all income levels through 2012. The bill also consisted of a new payroll tax cut for wage earners, numerous tax breaks for businesses and extended jobless benefits to the long-term unemployed.

#8 Fair Sentencing Act. Earlier this year, President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 to reduce racial inequity that has historically existed relative to the sentencing of people caught with crack cocaine versus powder cocaine. To be charged with a felony, crack users needed to possess only 5 grams of the drug to be sentenced with the same charge that powder cocaine users needed to be caught with (500 grams). Now, to be charged, crack users need to possess 28 grams of crack cocaine to 500 grams of powder cocaine.

#9 Appointment of Justice Elena Kagen. In addition to appointing Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court in 2009, President Obama similarly appointed former Solicitor General Elena Kagen in 2010.

#10 Childhood Obesity Act. President Obama recently signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was primarily spearheaded by First Lady Michelle Obama. This bill is purposed to subsidize free meals in low-income areas, to ensure that children receive well-balanced and nutritious school meals, to provide free or reduced-price meals to nearly 31 million low-income children and to ultimately reduce childhood obesity.

#11 Improper Payments. President Obama signed the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act, which is purposed to prevent such payments sent by the government to the wrong person or for the wrong reasons or in the wrong amounts. President Obama also established a goal for his administration to reduce improper payments by $50 billion by 2012.

#12 Approving Stem Cell Research again. President Obama signed an executive order ending Bush-era restrictions on using federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research, which long-term will save tens of thousands of lives through the advancement
of medicine breakthroughs.

NONE of the ABOVE would have been accomplished by George W. Bush -- no way and no how. The health of ALL America, the wealth of ALL America and the well-being of ALL America and our ENTIRE WORLD has been greatly advanced by President Obama and the Democratic Party here in these United States of America.

This great cause is not over -- rather, the work continues as it now will for freedom-loving people here in the United States, now in Egypt and throughout the world.

The United States does NOT dictate to others what they must do ... rather, with our great and good American President, the finest since President John F. Kennedy and before him President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (during WW2) .. we are ALL together about building better world for peace, prosperity and the advancement of the human spirit EVERYWHERE.
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The United States is exerting pressue on all nations and tries to dominate world politics.

The cold war is still here, this time between the US and China, Iran and islamism.

The world is a terribly messed up place right now. Obama has done nothing.

The richer get richer, the poorer get poorer.

Millions of Americans are on welfare.

"...I lift my lamp beside the golden door ! "

Hey Pie ...

I just above named TWELVE very significant advances the USA through President Obama and the Democratic Party have accomplished so far, including passage and signing the NEW START TREATY with Russia .. to make this world a more peaceful one. Very significant, NEVER would have been signed by Bush or approved by a Republican Congress.

Americans already are enjoying better health, thanks to The President's and the Democratic Congress' passage of historic HEALTH CARE REFORM here in the USA. This is THE human right which many in Europe already have, and which we have finally caught up with here in the USA. LIFE, not death, is the vision of THIS DEMOCRATIC PARTY American President.

GAY men and women in the U S military NO LONGER have to fear being "outed" and unable to serve in harm's way due to issues of "being gay" .. as The President and the Democratic Congress here in the USA BANNED DISCRIMINATION in the U S Military due to issues of gender preference here. This KEEPS gifted men and women IN the U S Military to serve for freedom and human diginity in harm's way through out the world, benefiting all.

VITAL STEM CELL RESEARCH was enabled once again by President Obama and the Democratic Congress -- which will in the future save tens of thousands of lives world-wide from new discoveries in the field of medical science.

WALL STREET REFORM, CREDIT CARD REFORM here in the USA empowers MAIN STREET .. ordinary people, NOT RICH BANKERS and CORPORATE MOGULS .. to have more finanancial freedoms and economic opportunities here in the USA which affects the well-being of the world, too.

AMERICAN LABOR has been saved by The President and the Democratic Party giving millions of assistance to General Motors (which has been repaid) to KEEP Americans working, as well as THE STIMULUS PACKAGE which had it not been passed .. would result in the the USA and world being in much worse shape economically than we are now.

PERFECT ? No. BUT .. the United States of America HAS under this President and the Democratic Party here done MORE for working men and women here and throughout the world than ANY Republican or Tea Party whacko extremist would do here like SARAH PALIN !

Give me a break .. would you want a President John McCain or a President Sarah Palin to lead the USA ??? SEE what a sorry MESS this world would be in then !!!

YES, the USA does have interests throughout the world that are advanced, as any country does. And greedy American corporations, which mostly are NOT on the side of President Obama or the Democratic Party here, often DO exert much wickedness and promote the image of "the ugly American"

YET the United States of America, while flawed, certainly does not DICTATE like a Hitler would have done .. or a Mao .. or a Lenin ! This business about the USA "dictating its will to the world " ... yeah, the SAME WORLD we BAILED OUT after WW2, rebuilding much of Europe from Der Fuhrer's WRECKAGE and NUTTY MANIACAL DELUSIONS.

The USA is NOT perfect .. and we have made plenty of mistakes and still do. BUT we are still by far the MOST GENEROUS NATION in HISTORY on the face of this globe, providing MORE economic foreign aid than ANY OTHER EVER HAS.

Moreover, WE still have a certain Lady who stands in the New York City Harbor who MEANS SOMETHING STILL to this weary and forelorn world ... who yet WELCOMES ALL ... who says at the base of Her pedestal ....

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of you teamming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And from every corner across this entire globe .....
... the people still flock ..
to these ..
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I'm with Arrow. At least the US has a President who is intelligent, tries to do the right thing, tries to be a team-leader for the world rather than a dictator, and has made some real progress. Way to go, but at least he, and your country, are headed in the right direction!
I stand by my view and have nothing more to add.

The US is trying hard to dominate world politics, you all admit that.

Banks are still cashing in millions as people continue to lose their homes, millions are on welfare.

We have family friends in Charlotte and they are not doing good at all.

Heatlhcare is of high quality - true but only fro those who can afford it!

The BBC showed horrific stories of people who couldn't pay for their cancer treatment, others who needed emergency surgery later had to pay medical bills totalling thousands of dollars.

High speeed rail is planned to boost the economy and try and fight the Great Depression. To what extent this will help remains to be seen.

Obama is the best president in the USA since Clinton. The Republicans are a scurge, of backwards religion run fear mongering, that is rampant in the USA.
Unfortunatley Obama has tried to please them too. When you try to please everyone you please no one.
Also democratic life was around long before the USA and the American Revolution.
When I was a child we moved from England to Canada. I was 10 but wanted to live in the USA.
Now , as a gay man I would much rather live in Canada than the USA, where we have The Charter of Rights and freedoms, and we can marry if we want and it is illegal to discriminate against anyone because they are gay.
The USA is not there yet. Parts of Eourpe certainly are and have been so for a long time.
Riots Break out in Yemen

Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Hundreds of anti-government protesters marched toward a presidential palace in Yemen on Sunday, calling for regime change in the Middle Eastern country.
Some of them chanted, "First Mubarak, now Ali," referring to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Hosni Mubarak, who recently resigned as president of Egypt after nearly 30 years in power.

Security forces put up a barbed wire barricade and blocked the protesters' path about two miles from the palace.
Nearby, a group of about 40 pro-government demonstrators chanted, "With our souls, with our blood, we will sacrifice for Ali."

The anti-government group first gathered at the gates of Sanaa University earlier Sunday, where another group of pro-government demonstrators carried pictures of Ali.

Police tried to disperse the crowds and stepped in to prevent pro-government demonstrators from following when the anti-government group headed away from the university and toward the palace.
The group of anti-government protesters included students and rights activists. Their numbers swelled as they marched through Sanaa's streets.
Saleh has ruled Yemen for 32 years and has pledged not to stand for re-election when his current term -- which started in 2006 -- ends in 2013.
Mubarak's lengthy rule ended Friday when he stepped down after 18 days of anti-government protests rocked Egypt.

Echoes of Egypt's revolution resonated across the region, with anti-government protests in Yemen and Algeria. Demonstrations are also planned in Libya and Iran on Monday.
Brief clashes erupted Saturday in Yemen between hundreds of pro- and anti-government demonstrators who staged rival rallies in the capital.

The clashes, which left a small number of people injured, followed an anti-government protest Friday night in which men armed with knives attacked more than a thousand demonstrators, according to human rights groups.