Mexico Collection 2021

Weekend homicide.

I live next door to Mexico, actually considered living in Juarez before the Cartel Wars turned the place into a war zone. The Mexican media outlets stopped reporting on any aspect of Cartel violence, or business, entirely, after forty or so journalists and editors got wasted. After an American Embassy carload of staffers to machine gunned to death everyone just stopped going over their, and the town's sexual tourism and tourism in general nearly dried up. Unlike in this bassakwards country, prostitution is legal in Mexico. and it was a great pleasure to enjoy beautiful women, and the occasional TS, at prices one could afford. That all stopped in a hurry. Hourly rates for American Professionals shot up overnight from $150 base charge to $250 immediately.

This week, I timidly ventured over there on business, and checked out a Post Covid brothel I used to frequent. Not as many girls as before, but they were all beautiful. Prices had doubled from $30 an hour to $60, but still entirely enjoyable, and a lot less than American prices and a generally higher quality of professionalism.


One has to rely on first hand knowledge, as the media won't touch this stuff, now. The cabbie told me that the Embassy murders was a case of mistaken identify. Usually, the elected Government has a hands-off policy when it comes to Cartel business, and the two entities (there are several Cartel entities) run parallel to each other. In one way or another, all police are Cartel employees. Because the economic backlash was so severe across Mexico, they eventually arrested the gunmen, whether they were stooges set up to take the fall, or the real perps, who knows. In general, the cabbie told me, the Cartels are almost exclusively after rivals, and have a do-not-touch policy with regard to tourists. Still, rarely a day goes by without another murder of a rival, but the bad old days of public hangings and full blown massacres has stopped.

I have not heard anything about the Maquiladora murders of young women, who routinely disappeared walking home from their factory jobs, to be found later raped, tortured, dead in the wastelands surrounding Juarez. It is a certainty that people know who was doing that, but the police, Cartel sub-contractors by definition, never tried too hard to investigate. There were a lot of public protests, but they never came to anything.

Yeah. The girls are beautiful. I'm going back, Jack. Hope I don't end up in the pages of CDG!!
Beautiful executions for Friday.

Why I don't live in J Town. As far as violence goes, it is, by tacit agreement, to leave touristas alone, so as to not wipe out the Tourist District. I recently went into J Town for some dental work (not generally a good idea unless you know who the fuck you are dealing with) and stopped off at a brothel I had not visited since '06, when the violence really started to ramp up. Best information is on the street, the media won't cover it, but apparently the murder rate continues along at a brisk one per day, or so, but is limited to individual targets of interest, not touristas. Time was when a massacre at a bar or hospital was fairly common.

If anyone wants up to date information on the brothel trade in Juarez (it is legal), PM me. Had a fine visit at the brothel. Still cheap by US standards and don't have to worry about being busted.

If you ate thinking about doing a limited job transporting tightly wrapped packages, don't. This dude(s) is likely a mule who may have lost his package or was moving it for a rival Cartel interest. US Customs also knows all the tricks and are very skilled at identifying people with tightly wrapped packages.