Last Moment

Agonizing moment for him. Awesome moment for us.
How much time do you have once the trap opens to realize life is done. I suspect you know it while waiting for the trap to open. When I watch the hanging scene in Dadah is Death, I think of those two Australians with the hoods over their heads being led to the gallows and then cuffed and standing there. When did they realize their life was over - was it when the hood went over their head? Was it when they reached the gallows and were turned to face the front? Was it when they felt the cuffs on ankles and wrists? Or was it when the noose was slipped over their heads. To watch them breathing heavily as they wait for the drop, they know they are dead but don't know yet wheat the breaking of the neck will feel like.
good question, i suppose it varies by the personality of the victim. Some probably accept it long before being led to gallows while others hangout until they go blank.
suspect it will depend on the drop, a short drop or a haul up hanging might delay the awareness that its over as it takes a little while to strangle to oblivion, for the long drop it will just depend how close to his hitting the end of the rope he figures out he aint surviving this.