Interrogation on Kruger


Forum Regular
Jul 19, 2013
Will Kruger survives the interrogation?


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Wrath%2Bof%2BGod%2B-%2BConfrontation%2B2012%2Bshort.mp4_snapshot_05.09  _%255B2017.11.17_11.42.09%255D.jpg

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More introduction and screen captured here:
So hot, wish he tortured him more.
I was hoping he came out from shower with towel only. And when he got a fight, the towel lose, naked, fighting, instead of crushed his neck, crushed his genitals. Oh the mask of pain, the scream, the sound of crushed balls and cock, the futile attempt to defend, those sweat glistening body... shit my imagination getting wild and I'm having a hard on...
I was hoping he came out from shower with towel only. And when he got a fight, the towel lose, naked, fighting, instead of crushed his neck, crushed his genitals. Oh the mask of pain, the scream, the sound of crushed balls and cock, the futile attempt to defend, those sweat glistening body... shit my imagination getting wild and I'm having a hard on...

This should be his ending definitely!
Haha, thanks for your suggestion! Just hope they won't delete my videos and account.
Making it accessible only by people with link can also further secure the video. But yeah, I hope everything works well. Your videos are amazing!

You can also try I think.
Making it accessible only by people with link can also further secure the video. But yeah, I hope everything works well. Your videos are amazing!

You can also try I think.

I hope to do so actually, just like what I did on Vimeo account, but vk don't have the option to make it accessible only by people with link, it somehow just like fb, that only has the option of ALL USERS, FRIENDS ONLY, FRIENDS OF FRIENDS, CERTAIN FRIENDS, EVERYONE BUT, ONLY ME. So, if I set the privacy as Friend Only, than you guys can't watch it except you create a vk account =.= But I am worry also if I open to All Users, because the others vk user that not a CDG fetish will see it too =.=