
Forum Elite
Established Member
Sep 15, 2009
i recently stopped at my cousins funeral home again to have a look at a dude who he said his feet reeked like foot odor so
bad that u could smell the dead dudes soles as u walked through the back door of the prep room, he was corrrect!
this guy was super hot!! huge feet, about 40, died of a heroin overdose. his feet reeked, super strong! i became super
hard, feet smelled musky and earthy, kinda like stepping into a boys gym locker room at a high school. with a dirty sweaty sock odor!
he tried to was the dead dudes feet but they still stunk.
my question is...............
do u think if this guy was exhumed from his grave when u opened his casked do u think the air inside of it would still
smell like his strong reekish feet and sole?
OMG what a total dream. I love the smell of dead male feet but this must have been insane level of smell to get instantly aroused as you said.

Once put into the ground the feet odour will gradually fade and no won't even be detectable in just a couple of weeks his feet will turn black and dry out.