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Seems we all feel this way, but the two guys dangling dead in their bare feet is gorgeous! The close-up of the soles of the guy in dark pants made me cum hard.

Real men die in their bare feet!
Love this still waiting to see a hard-on by hanging

You have to look closely, but every once in awhile, you see a hanged guy had wood for it. It's too bad most of these Iranian guys are wearing baggy pants or we'd see a lot more of it.
Is it really a good idea to be hanged wearing white in case you piss and shit yourself? However he's a very fit corpse hanging in his noose

It is an excellent idea, for precisely that reason!
Mainly enforcados, but a few Khmer as well. Looks like a bumper crop in Khmer - I'll get back and hoover them up properly if I get the time.
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