Death By Masterbation


Oh this makes me feel NORMAL.
hahahahahha I have no idea wtf Killme is trying to say
I would say he's trying to say" he's crazy enough to try this"
Schizophrenia = split PERSONality . On the picture is split person,no? It should have be joke.Probably bad. LOL Ok,no more stupid jokes.
I would say he's trying to say" he's crazy enough to try this"

oh NO! Of course not,i am not such crazy! not yet. I dont have enough big and sharp circular saw,yet. heh

No,truth is,i dont like cum.At least my cum.
Oh CUM NOW. hehehe
What better than to taste your own dick and cum just before you die.
Eh....not what i would wnt xD
but what better way to leave society but by shocking them.
I can find a better way of doing such by dying but such means
but it's sex, it's art, it's a sick image that they will have to take to their gr grave. hahahaa.
Sex is art yes.
But not like that.
It has to be more....aethic,
Schizophrenia = split PERSONality . On the picture is split person,no? It should have be joke.Probably bad. LOL Ok,no more stupid jokes.

That was a pretty bad joke but I laughed still. :P
xD laaame but cute none the less