Best scene of poisoning and strangulation

Translate in english because im french its very hot :

J'ai étranglé mon petit copain Julian il y a quelques Années il était jeune et beau je l'ai attaché au lit en lui disant que j'allais le sucé puis je l'ai torturer en lui brûlant les pieds et je l'ai tué.
Il a convulsé comme un épileptique et ses yeux étaient exorbités et tout rouge j'ai bandé comme un chien j'ai même éjaculé dans mon slip il a arrêter de bougé mais il s'est pisser dessus et sa bite était en érection droite et dur.
Je ne me suis jamais fait attraper et l'on a jamais retrouvé son corps mais c'était l'expérience la plus délicieuse de ma vie.
C'est mieux que de prendre de la cocaïne
"I strangled my boyfriend Julian a few years ago he was young and handsome I tied him to the bed telling him that I was going to suck him then I tortured him by burning his feet and I had killed him
He convulsed like an epileptic and his eyes were bulging and all red I bandaged like a dog I even ejaculated in my pants he stopped moving but he peed himself and his cock was erect straight and hard . I never got caught and we never found his body but it was the most delicious experience of my life.
It's better than taking cocaine."

Translated for you using Google Translate (and slightly corrected because Google translations are always a bit odd). Best if you do it yourself in future, or Meatpie will give you a hard time for not posting in English. :)
"I strangled my boyfriend Julian a few years ago he was young and handsome I tied him to the bed telling him that I was going to suck him then I tortured him by burning his feet and I had killed him
He convulsed like an epileptic and his eyes were bulging and all red I bandaged like a dog I even ejaculated in my pants he stopped moving but he peed himself and his cock was erect straight and hard . I never got caught and we never found his body but it was the most delicious experience of my life.
It's better than taking cocaine."

Translated for you using Google Translate (and slightly corrected because Google translations are always a bit odd). Best if you do it yourself in future, or Meatpie will give you a hard time for not posting in English. :)

Thanks really thank you