2020 Beirut Explosions


Forum Elite
Oct 7, 2008
Thanks DD. Lebanon's National News Agency says the blast happened at an ammunitions depot.
That's different from the story I heard earlier, but I guess it fits better with what looks like an almost nuclear shockball and -wave. And I guess it makes hostile action (Is...?) more likely, though so far as I know that is just speculation at this stage.
Latest info I've seen seems to confirm that the initial explosion and fire involved fireworks, and that set off 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate which had been stored there since 2014. Ammonium nitrate is mainly used as a fertiliser but also mixed with a fuel as an explosive. On its own it is normally stable, but it can explode spontaneously if heated - it has caused massive explosions at Texas City (US), and more recently in China.
And the Beirut explosion was felt on Cyprus!

.........looks like an almost nuclear shockball and -wave.
Seismologists say it was 1/5 as powerful as the Hiroshima blast. Moral of the story: don't store thousands of tonnes of ammonium nitrate in the storeroom:forum with coffe:
Après moi le déluge

Firemen trying to open up the storeroom seconds before the blast
Video from inside a car passing near the port at the time of the explosion.
