Beautiful Athlete Hanged Himself Naked in Texas [REAL CASE]


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Just a screenshot but there is full video of this in police department.

This gorgeous model and athlete had set up a video camera to record a sexual fantasy while the family was out of the house. What was interesting about this case was that had there not been a video camera capturing the victim’s activities the case would probably have been ruled a suicide. There was no sexual paraphernalia, mirrors, or other props to suggest that the hanging was an autoerotic event. Courtesy of Detective Sergeant Mark Reynolds, Harris County, Texas Sheriff’s Department.

Te victim was a white male, 35 years of age, who was married and had children. He had told his wife to go to bed since he was going to fx the kitchen sink and would be going to the store to purchase the parts. At about 5:00 a.m. she awakened and noticed that the garage light was on. She went to the garage and found her husband hanging. She immediately dialed 911.
Te arriving police and medical personnel observed that he was wearing thong underwear and was hanging with a dog collar around his neck, which was attached to a chain. Te police observed a video camera attached to a video recorder. Tere were several lights pointing in the direction of the victim along with a large mirror against one of the garage walls. Te police took the equipment and the videotape as evidence.

Te tape clearly showed the victim acting out some sort of masochistic fantasy, which involved inficting pain to his nipples as he paddled himself on his buttocks. He removed his penis from his underwear and proceeded to manually masturbate. Tis activity continued for approximately 3 minutes. However, as he leaned forward he ended up increasing the pressure on his neck and suddenly went into fatal cerebral anoxia. Te victim lost consciousness. He went into convulsions and seizure-like activity with the classic decerebrate and decorticate patterns that we have observed in other hangings.