A Beauty found Tied and Drowned

A truly beautiful man, who smiled a lot, but didn't have much to laugh about.... ;)

In about 50 times higher resolution and improved color quality the whole drama of his last minutes is revealed:
his murder did not happen too long before the pictures were taken, and his mortal agony was painful and lasted a long time:

At first they tied his hands behind his back with the belt of his OWN Jean, very good to see in the first comparison.
Then he was thrown into the water, not far from where the photos were taken, because his body is still too fresh to be washed up from far away.
But the water is not too deep there, just watching him drown would not have been possible.
Even if the water has a high current and turbulence, you can see that well in the second comparison - quickly drowning alone is not so easy.

Then why did he drown?
The only possibility, the murderers helped and pushed his head brutally under water.

He fought back, fought violently in mortal fear and it was not a short quick death, but a slow and agonizing one, because he kept coming out of the water with his head.

Why did it take so long?

Practically not visible in the original picture, only in the high resolution you can see deep marks and abrasions of his wrist from the belt (vertical arrow).
It is also clearly visible that he had almost freed himself, the belt already shows deep tears. (horizontal arrows)

This requires an enormous amount of strength and it takes many minutes, which is why his agony lasted so long.
A little more time and the belt would have torn and he could have freed himself.

But after agonizing minutes the superiority was probably stronger, the power left him - and he drowned...

Tied up with his OWN belt of his Jean
Abrasions on his hands and tears in his belt
his mortal agony apparently lasted many torturous minutes...

An artificial intelligence has used the depth of field to dramatically visualize barely visible particle flows of the water.
What is hardly visible in the original picture, the water shows a very strong current and is turbulent.

He was a very attractive man, even if he doesn't really smile in any of these pictures, but only pretends to...
You can see this in the eyes: When someone really laughs, their eyes get thin -
and also on the wrinkles on the cheeks, when someone laughs a lot, it's written in the face: e.g.:

Compare this:
The smile is absolutely fake, can you now see the difference? ;)

This handsome man smiled a lot, but didn't really have anything to laugh about:

...and this is his sadly dramatic end:
All pictures are in high resolution:

Interesting is the question why he was neither shot, nor stabbed or beaten to death, but was tied with his own belt of all things and slowly drowned?

Obviously his killers (definitely men) wanted it exactly this way: All other kinds of killing would have been fast - but here they wanted to choose a slow one on purpose, even show it off, they didn't even take his own belt off him, easily the murder could have been presented as an accident...

...But they did not - well that's another story... ;)
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A quick visit to Bruno's Instagram account reveals a lot of his shirtless photos... but most importantly, shots of his manly feet as he chills beside the beach, unknowingly the spot where his very life would end.
