I was banned from GoreGrish


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Did nothing wrong on their site...still they call me faggot. :th_smiley_eh: Here is my ban reason.

They have mostly female staff now and they are all cunts.
There is no excuse for the people at GoreGrish to talk like that to anyone. If they want to ban their members, then they should go ahead and ban them. No need to spout filth, which (btw) really does reflect badly on the spouters. People who talk that way are of low intelligence.
I thought the days of blatant homophobia on most gore sites were gone. Clearly not.
A couple of days before the ban I chatted with one of their female mods Cold Ethyl she said she didn't like CDG and I kindly invited her over to see that we are no different that any of the other sites in the genre.

She reported me to the admins and they issued a permanent ban on my account with special thanks to Cold Ethyl. Sad story.
Cold Ethyl is just another example of the classic Perfidious Female.
For those of you who are unaware we are a bigger community than GoreGrish fact speaks for itself. And we are supposedly only intended for gays and faggots.

I'll bet Daddio doesn't even know he is Member #48,536. By the way, aren't gays and faggots the same thing?
Yeah but faggot or fag is very offensive towards gay males
Also a faggot is a kind of meatball, a traditional dish in the UK
Now that is news to me, showerstalker. I'd never heard of those UK faggot meatballs. I did know that a fag in the UK is a cigarette. It must get confusing over there, where meatballs, cigs and homosexuals are all called the same thing.
cold ethyl can go finger fuck and eat ass of her dead mother
and then shove a branch up her smelly ass and cooch and eat her own shit.......
Now that is news to me, showerstalker. I'd never heard of those UK faggot meatballs. I did know that a fag in the UK is a cigarette. It must get confusing over there, where meatballs, cigs and homosexuals are all called the same thing.

A fag can be either a cigarette or a homosexual, or indeed a tedious piece of work (though rarely all three at once): a faggot however can be either a homosexual or a meatball, or indeed a bundle of firewood especially one used for burning someone at the stake. Life can be very confusing being British!

And gay can mean either 'homosexual' or 'useless' - I was talking to my (straight) teenage friend last weekend and he was insulted that a girl had called him 'gay' meaning useless - if she'd meant 'homosexual' he wouldn't have offended at all, though he'd have been annoyed about the prejudice if she'd meant it as an insult (that genuinely didn't occur to him until I took it that way, and he was sure she hadn't).
ometimes onfusuon isa in that things really are changing for the beter!
Is your straight teenage friend super good-looking? Am I correct that the age of sexual consent in the UK is 16, not 18 as in the US?
In allmost gore sites, all of them are very "macho" to call us faggots, but they come here secretly, to steal good stuff.

In some gore places I will not name, I saw all the pics of my collection of selfies in middle east; magically some months ago, appears lots of dead tourists in that sites, the chinese sets of Meatpie and Scott appears magically too, and much more...

They sucks! We can stay hours working hard to find good stuff, and they only make a fucking copy-paste.
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