Ten gruesome ways a person could die

Luis Adam Bree

Forum Regular
Oct 31, 2016
London England
Execution/Torture Methods
10. Brazen Bull
“Once the man was inside the bull, a fire would be lit beneath it in order to roast him to death. In the head of the bull, Perilaus put a series of tubes and stops that were designed to amplify the screams of the victim and make them sound like the roar of a bull.”
9. Hanging, Drawing, Quartering
“The first stage of the execution was to be tied to a wooden frame and dragged behind a horse to the place of your death. Following that, the criminal would be hanged until they were nearly dead. The criminal would then be removed from the noose and laid on a table. The executioner would then disembowel and emasculate the victim, and burn the entrails in front of his eyes. He would still be alive at this point. The person would then be beheaded and their body cut in to quarters.*”
8. Burning 7. Ling Chi
“The criminal is fastened to a rough cross, and the executioner, armed with a sharp knife, begins by grasping handfuls from the fleshy parts of the body, such as the thighs and the breasts, and slicing them off. After this he removes the joints and the excrescences of the body one by one-the nose and ears, fingers and toes. Then the limbs are cut off piecemeal at the wrists and the ankles, the elbows and knees, the shoulders and hips. Finally, the victim is stabbed to the heart and his head cut off.”
6. Breaking Wheel
“The criminal would be attached to a cart wheel and his arms and legs stretched out along the spokes. The wheel would be made to turn while a heavy metal bar or hammer would deliver bone breaking blows to various parts of the body between the spokes.”5. Boiling
“In execution by boiling, the condemned is stripped naked and either placed in a vat of boiling liquid, or in a vat of cold liquid which was then heated to boiling. The liquid could be oil, acid, tar, water, or molten lead.”
4. Flaying
“Execution by Flaying is when the skin of the criminal is removed from their body with the use of a very sharp knife.*”
3. Necklacing
“Necklacing is a type of execution in which a rubber tyre is filled with gasoline, forced over the arms and chest of the victim, and set aligh” 2. Scaphism
“The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. They would then be left to float on a stagnant pond (or alternately, simply exposed to the sun somewhere). The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed (and increasingly gangrenous) flesh. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock.”
1. Sawing
“In Execution by sawing, the criminal would be hung upside-down and a large saw would be used to cut their body in half, starting with the groin, all the way to the head. Because the person was hanging upside-down, the brain received sufficient blood to keep them alive until the saw finally reached the main blood vessels in the abdomen”
Well researched and written. A perfect read for anyone with masochistic tendencies.
Thanks for posting
In Breaking on the Wheel, if the victim was taller than the wheel, his limbs might be broken so that they could be bent and tied to the rim.
In Drawing & Quartering, sometimes during the butchering, the victim's heart would be removed, causing quick final death. If mercy had been ordered, this could be done early in the process. The opposite is to order that he be cut down from the hanging while still quite conscious, so he can better enjoy the rest of the procedure.
This is such an interesting top ten! Scaphism (#2), though exotic, seems too complicated, but now I know that milk and honey cause diarrhea, which is a surprise.