Crazy Selfies!!!

It seems like only yesterday that selfies were photos taken of oneself in the bathroom mirror (usually a mirror that needing Windexing). I'm sure there were NEVER any corpses in the background. This new type of selfie is a bad omen. What ever is to become of us?
War may have give people a chance to relieve themselves from the safe-lock put on by the morality. In this sense, maybe we just become what we always want to resist under great pressure and a lack of regulation. As an outsider, we may never truly understand their motivation, and as an insider, they may never have the state of mind to look the whole killings as we do.
And here I thought most Americans take crazy selfies these are down right crazy
want a facebook live video with my phone down in the guillotine basket so people can see it when they slide my head into the wooden stocks & then chop it off