Islamic State gunmen execute French police officer in Paris street [HD video]


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
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HD uncensored execution video shows young police officer pleading for mercy on the pavement in Paris before being shot in the head by masked gunmen during an attack on the headquarters of the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, a notoriously anti-Islamic publication.
When will we wake up and face the fact that the barbarians are inside the gate.
And unfortunately this is going to get worse as the Muslim population continues to grow in France.
That final gunshot was so loud I expected the officer's head to explode, but there was hardly even any blood. At least he wasn't left for very long in his terror and pain. There really isn't a sufficient punishment for such criminals. It all leaves one feeling sick and sad and helpless.
I seen this video here and on other 3 places, one with slow motion. There are no blood when guy are shooted into head. This is really impossible , AK 47 has 7.62 mm caliber and at close range the exit hole are imense, efectivelly blowing out a side of brain. In this case a minimum one square meter of street is filling in intense red. This must be seen on video. In this case, terorist miss the target, bullet go betweeh upper hand and the head. In slow motion movie the dust rising from street are visible.
I seen this video here and on other 3 places, one with slow motion. There are no blood when guy are shooted into head. This is really impossible , AK 47 has 7.62 mm caliber and at close range the exit hole are imense, efectivelly blowing out a side of brain. In this case a minimum one square meter of street is filling in intense red. This must be seen on video. In this case, terorist miss the target, bullet go betweeh upper hand and the head. In slow motion movie the dust rising from street are visible.

This is very interesting, attudepica! Thank you for providing a possible explanation for the surprisingly bloodless execution.