He had more faith than I would have in the holding power of that ceiling fan.
Indian couple - posted from another source by AnonymousPH a couple of days ago, but adding this for its marvellous Translatish - "Marriage relationships are due to suicide" and "The Chebrol police are suspected of being suspected of murdering the case" have got to be all-time classics.

"The incident happened when a couple were hanged in the northern Ugratag district of West Bengal. Marriage relationships are due to suicide. These are Nandivala Suresh and Uma Saroji. Locals and relatives were the victims of the incident in the suspicious situation. Introduction to Suresh Ki Thangaku's Uma Sarojini. Introduction has resulted in a non-marriage relationship. Suresh has been married to Saroj in the past. According to locals, both of them were forced to commit suicide as they were forced to leave their two relatives. The locals said the victims had told the relatives on the phone as they went to Vizag yesterday to commit suicide. But the locals say that the decision has changed and committed suicide. But Suresh's mother accused it of killing her. Killing and shooting. In this case, the inquiry has been fully investigated and asked to do justice to them. The Chebrol police are suspected of being suspected of murdering the case. "
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With apologies for the title - I hate the n-word and always think twice before posting anything with it unavoidably in the title. But this is too good to miss - naked except for his small red briefs which he's filled with shit under his balls.
