Are you worried about global warming?

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Oct 7, 2008

Summer 2012 is turning out a total scorcher in Bulgaria, a fucking oven at 43'C during the day for three months now not a single drop of rain since May.

Even worse it stays 30'C during the night with high humidity, not comfortable sleeping conditions even with air conditioning.

I feel sick, no one wants to go out even for a drink together. Last summer I used to go mountain biking with friends every week and it was crazy fun!

Now everyone stays confined to their houses, people only go out biking at night. :facepalm:

The jet stream over Europe and the United States has been further south than normal bringing intense Sahara heat to Southern Europe and a deluge of rain to the United Kingdom.

I have friends in London who said the summer there has been the wettest and most miserable they have ever seen and travelled back to Bulgaria for some sunshine.

Scientists believe the meandering position of the jet stream could be connected with reduction of sea ice in the Arctic and melting of Greenland.

Winter 2012/2013 will be another deep freeze, also connected with melting sea ice and contrary to what you expect when you hear "global warming".

Have you noticed unnusual whether patterns where you live? Are you worried that global warming is intensifying and could lead to more extreme weather and a catastrophic climate change?

Please vote & discuss.
Whre I live, we had a one-in-a-hundred-year flood in late JUne. Then last sunday, 5 weeks later, we had aniother one. Was whitewater rapids on the traffic island outside my house, realised the odd noise was waves hitting the front door, water was flowing at 2-30 miles an our down the hill.
don't copain too much about the heat in Builgaria, Meatpie - here it's been the coldest, wettest, least sunny summer ever.
And yes, I do think it's because of global warming.
Where I'm at it's been finally a "normal" summer for us. However, the rest of the country is sweltering in the humidity and heat. The US Republican Party/Tea Party are all in denial and is vowing to do NOTHING about global warming. After all, they don't really care as all of them are waiting for armageddon/end of days/second coming of christ. Little do they know that only 144,000 men (who haven't defiled themselves with women) will go up to their fictional heaven as outlined in Revelations, the craziest book of their disgusting and immoral "good book"! :aha:
Just like the gov't doesn't want the populace to know about UFO's , so too global warming - which ACTUALLY started to take a foothold on this planet back in 1960 when the population was still a mear 3 billion. Now, forget it! Even if u took all now 7 BILLION off the planet right now, the runaway greenhouse effect would continue to it's logical end. Sorry to tell u all that!
Aye does worry me - even if Scotlabd could do with being warmer. I read the planet can support 3 Bn people not the 7 Bn we have now - nature will reduce the population to maintain balance I'll probably be dead before it really impacts.
I think we have any time now to live peacefully, but our children will pay for our irresponsibility
not at all humanity has been on this eath for well over 1 million years and i have no doubt the human race has survived much worse. the ice that is left on this planet aka antartica is what remains of the last ice age 70,000 years ago and wether we like or not it will disappear with or without human pollution. humans are far more liekly to destroy each other over the lack of coal oil and gas than rising sea levels in the next few decades
It's simplistic to think global warming is only about rising sea levels.

In Bulgaria we had the hottest driest summer in recorded history while other parts of Europe were flooded.

The jet stream over Europe and North America has shifted further south than normal most likely because of melting sea ice in the Arctic.

Last several winters in Europe have all been extremely cold and long again due to the shifting jet stream.