
Forum Regular
Jan 10, 2012
Cleveland, Ohio
Author's note: While I think I Stayed Too Long At The Fair is one of my personal favorites because of its satirical humor, The Way Of the World takes it's (very!) graphic murdering and dismantling of a hot male body far more seriously. I hope Cute Dead Guys readers like it.

The Way Of The World
by Steve Geary

Rob approached the tall, muscular figure facing away from him, cooking bare-chested over the portable stove. “How do you like your eggs?” Mark asked quietly, turning around with just a whisper of a smile on his face.

Rob looked at his host, silently noting that Mark had dispensed of any formal introductions. “Over easy,” he said.

“You got it, pal,” Mark replied. The two men did a quick study of each other. Mark opened a bag and pulled out a half-dozen eggs. “Nice to finally meet up after all this time.”

“Yeah, it sure is,” Rob replied. “The whole way here, I thought you might be a no-show. Wondered if you’d look the same as your picture.”

“Man, I don’t lie,” Mark answered. “Sit down. Make yourself at home.”

Rob sat on the picnic bench and looked around. “Damn,” he said. “We’re really in the middle of nowhere.”

“Told ya,” Mark replied as he broke the eggs. “It’s amazing how few people want to camp during the week. There’s not a soul around -- just you and me.”

Even though Rob had a numb butt from his drive, it felt good to sit. He stretched his legs. He was in a national forest halfway between his home in Brooklyn and Mark’s town of Columbus, Ohio. He took in the scenery and studied his host. Wildlife buzzed all around him.

“I hope you don’t mind primitive camping,” Mark said. “There’s no electricity -- no running water. The outhouses are all primitive, and the only place to bathe is the creek at the foot of the hill.”

“It’s OK,” Rob answered. “I’m only here to see you.”

Mark gave a small smile. “I know.”

Rob studied Mark’s face and physique. He was exactly as his Internet pictures had depicted him. He obviously worked out. The fact that a Marlboro hung from his lips detracted somewhat from the wholesome features, but he was a blond-haired, All-American looking young man with mischievous blue eyes.

Rob already knew this. He’d seen the naked pictures. He’d heard the low voice, too, when they’d talked over the phone, but there was nothing like finally seeing the man in the flesh. Viewing his online chat partner for the first time confirmed the fantasy.

Mark, too, would occasionally look at Rob as he worked on the meal. He was studying his guest, scoping him out. His brain worked like a camera. He’d steal a glance and smile, but in those instant moments of time, his mind would snap a picture, register it and commit it to memory. Even with his back turned, Mark was studying everything about this figure paying him a visit. Rob’s appearance was everything he’d claimed.

‘So, Rob had been honest, too,’ Mark realized.

They were opposites, each a unique example of the human male species. Whereas Mark had a full head of blond hair, Rob’s was short and dark, just beginning to recede into a masculine hair pattern. Rob’s stature was also stockier, a bit shorter. Mark’s legs and chest were covered with short blond hairs, but he often photographed smooth, depending on the lighting. On Rob, there was no mistaking the wealth of hair that crept over his T-shirt. Yes, opposites can attract. Both men knew they were turned on by the other, and it wasn’t just the body chemistry. Each man was here so that the other might fulfill a fantasy.

Rob hadn’t counted on Mark’s hospitable demeanor, however. “Your personality isn’t what I’d expected,” he said.

“Of course not,” Mark replied, politely pushing a plate of ham and eggs toward his friend. “The Internet is nothing but words and images on a computer screen, my friend. You must know by now, you can’t really grasp someone’s true personality that way, even with cameras. You’ve gotta actually meet up -- like we’re doing -- to get a feel for everything that makes us individuals.”

“Guess you’re right,” Rob said as he stuck his fork into the meal. He had to admit, he felt awkward, and wasn’t all that hungry. He was thinking more about the man sitting across from him. “Yeah, someone’s mannerisms -- how he carries himself -- on a computer, you can’t tell what they’re like. Not like in person.”

“See? You understand.” Mark grinned. “Until we meet up, we can only imagine the other -- give ourselves a little fantasy.” He snuffed out his cigarette and gave a cocky smile, much like the one on the Internet. “Hope you’re not disappointed.”

“No,” Rob gulped. “Not at all. You’re everything I’d hoped for. Except -- ”

Mark smiled. “Except -- I don’t seem like the kind of guy who enjoys killing people.”

“Well, yeah.”

Mark laughed. “How many of us do, chum? Do you think most killers walk up to someone and say, hey, I like to kill other guys? Ya think most people who get killed know they’re about to die?” Mark grinned wider than ever. “No, pal. Most people got killed because they weren’t expecting it. Most people prefer to live.”

He stuffed a huge amount of ham into his face. As he chewed it, he looked at his new buddy with an amused smile. “That is, except you.”

Rob coughed nervously. “Well, I’ll admit something. Yes, I’ve wanted to meet you for the longest time -- if only out of curiosity. I’ve wondered what you were really like, and how I’d feel, spending time with you. Frankly, it, uh, feels uncomfortable. Maybe this death wish of mine was just fantasy after all.”

“Well, you’ve certainly dwelt on it for the last few months. We’ve talked about it a lot, Rob.”

Rob recognized that Mark told it like it was. “Yeah. Well, uh, maybe I’ve had so much lackluster passion in my life lately that any kind of intense behavior sounds good.”

“Interesting theory,” Mark said as he took another hefty slice of ham and bit deeply into it. “So, after driving all this way to meet me, you’re saying you’re not up for following through with it?”

“Well, I’m not really sure,” Rob replied. “Do you really want to do this? Dying is probably a hot thing to do -- I’m just not quite sure I want to do it yet. Maybe it’d be better for us to just talk for a while -- get to know each other.

Mark grimaced. “C’mon, Rob, we’ve looked forward to this for a long time. Live fast, die young -- remember all that shit we’ve chatted about? Didn’t you say you wanted to go while you were still at your peak?”

Rob smiled. “Yeah, I did -- several times.”

“Now you’re talking!” Mark grinned. His eyes took on a thoughtful look. “It’s like a hot love affair, Rob. You’re the type of man who wants to leave it while he’s still into it. There’s logic to that, no matter how weird it may sound. If the affair ends early, hey, everything was first-rate right up until the finish line,” he explained.

“Yeah, you’re right, I’ve always felt that way,” Rob agreed.

“It’s the same way with life,” Mark continued. “If you die young, you don’t spend years getting old, bored, or feeling yourself wither away. Right up until the bitter end, your life was glorious.”

Rob grinned at his friend and marveled at how his logic sounded even better in person than it did online. “Yeah, that’s it!” Just having somebody to talk with who recognized and understood him made Rob feel so much more complete.

Mark flashed yet another white, toothy grin. “Ya know what? We never shook hands. Hello, friend.” He reached his right hand out to Rob, who smiled and happily clasped it in a firm handshake.

Mark’s face instantly clouded. With a loud clanging noise, Mark’s other arm abruptly slammed the heavy iron egg skillet hard over Rob’s skull. Blood streamed down Rob’s forehead, and he felt himself passing out. He could barely find the words. “I -- I -- didn’t think -- you’d -- really do it.”

Rob’s butt remained half-seated on the bench. His upper body, however, fell straight backward, the arms out, his head hitting the cement. His face retained its surprised expression as his eyes lost focus. A small pool of blood slowly inched out from behind his skull. He was out cold.

Mark smiled nonchalantly. He finished his meal quietly, savoring the sounds of the forest. Eventually, he cleaned the dishes and used a pick to clean his teeth. Then Mark knelt beside Rob’s body and began to remove the clothes.

When Rob awakened, his nude body was standing, plastered against a tree with both arms and legs outstretched. Heavy rope was wrapped around his wrists and ankles, tightly bound to spikes nailed into the tree. His body was stretched, almost to the breaking point.

Night had fallen, and Mark was watching the stars. He’d made a fire. Crickets were rubbing their legs, and lightning bugs silently flashed all around their campsite.

Mark turned as he sensed Rob stirring. “Glad you’re back with us,” Mark said. “I’ve just been gazing at the stars. Full moon tonight. It’s beautiful.” In the distance, a wolf howled.

Rob’s head ached like hell. “Holy shit,” he said, only somewhat relieved. “I thought you’d killed me.”

Mark flashed his eyes at Rob and grinned. “Nah, that wasn’t the deal,” he said. “A quick death? With you unconscious from the outset? Where’s the fun in that, pal?!” It was taking a while for Rob to register the words. He tried to shake the grogginess out of his head. No hangover had felt like this one.

“I want you alert,” Mark said as he walked over to Rob and abruptly tossed a pail of ice cold creek water in his face. Rob gasped at the uncomfortable surprise.

“That’s better,” Mark said. “Now -- picking up our conversation from before, let me see if I’ve got this straight. You came all this way, and then once you met me, you tried to weasel out of our date like some piece of spineless chicken shit. Does that pretty much sum up our earlier conversation?”

“It’s not that,” Rob replied, shivering from his cold shower. “It’s just that -- well, fuck, man! I don’t know what I’m feeling.” He tugged at the ropes and realized he was bound into place. Mark must’ve been real strong to pull the ropes this tight. “I just wanted to get to know you, man -- meet you. I’ve never met anyone online like you. I was curious. But Mark, tonight, let’s not go beyond this point. Maybe another time, OK?”

Mark looked at him with equal parts amusement and disgust. “You wimpy piece of shit. I’m a man of action. Straddling a fence, the way you live your life, is for fools.” The words stung, as they were meant to.

“Let me tell you about yourself, friend,” Mark continued, changing into some hunting boots. “You knew when you woke up this morning that you had a date with me. You could’ve backed out of it then. Instead, you backed out of your driveway. You could’ve turned back at any exit sign throughout New York and Pennsylvania, but you didn’t. What does that tell you?”

Rob looked at the ground. “I don’t know.”

“Oh yes, you do. I KNOW YOU, dammit. You came here because you knew I can do for you what you need done -- what you’re too much of a wuss to do for yourself.”

“That's not true!” Rob exclaimed. “I was just curious to meet you, see what you’re really like! Our conversations intrigued me.”

Mark scoffed at Rob’s comments, dismissing them with a wave of his hand. “I didn’t come all this way for nothing, asshole. You think you’re the first one to pull this act? Do you think I haven’t heard these lines before?” he demanded incredulously. “Let me clue you in on something. What you’re saying now, you don’t mean. This is your body talking, not you. Your body’s doing anything it can to survive. It won’t work, fucker. You put yourself in this position because deep down you know you really want it.”

Rob suddenly realized what an incredible gift Mark had given him. It was like an epiphany. Through Mark, and for the first time in years, Rob realized he didn’t want to die. What had he been thinking all this time?! If he survived this, he’d happily consider Mark a friend for life.

“You’re here because you know you fucking deserve what you’re gonna get tonight.” Rob felt his heart race. Mark walked over to the picnic table and picked up a large sack. “Tell me something, asshole. Ever hear of a porn star named Jeff Stryker?”

Rob was startled. The name brought immediate recognition. “Well, sure -- everybody has.”

“Yeah -- big star from a while back. So big, they fashioned a dildo from his cock.” Mark smiled as he pulled the dildo out of the sack. “It goes for $49.95.”

He displayed the entire apparatus for Rob to see. “Funny thing. Even Stryker was upset when he saw this -- said it hurt his dignity. Seems the manufacturer added a few inches that weren’t really there. Most guys would probably have trouble taking it. But you, Rob -- you’re gonna take every inch.”

“Please don’t do this, Mark,” Rob gulped. “This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come. I’m sorry I did, and I’ll pay for your time. Please, man -- let me go, dude.”

“Shut up, asshole. I ain’t buyin’ it.” Mark put plugs in his ears.

“What’re those for?” Rob asked quietly. He wrenched his arms hard against the rope and felt the rope bite sharply into his flesh.

Mark removed one of the plugs. “ Trust me, I’m gonna need 'em.” Suddenly, Mark’s eyes took on a wild look. “Time to PARTY!” he cried.

His face went dark as his fist smashed Rob’s jaw. Rob screamed as the back of his head hit the tree bark, causing a second gash right over the one caused by the frying pan. Mark took his fist and punched Rob’s gut, knocking the wind out of it. With the force of a football player kicking a field goal, Mark then smashed the toe of his right boot directly into Rob’s nutsack, flattening the right testicle.

Rob shrieked with pain. His eyes bugged out and his mouth fell open. He tried desperately to breathe, but no air came in.

“Good news,” Mark said, massaging his fist. “I wouldn’t dream of pushing Mr. Stryker up your ass without lube.”

Carefully, Mark squeezed a healthy dose of Ben Gay over two fingers and reached past the swollen testicles. The bit of menthol which touched Rob’s scrotum instantly made his balls burn. As Rob continued his frantic quest for air, Mark wrenched open Rob’s asscheeks and dug both fingers deep into Rob’s lower bowels. Ointment was roughly slathered all over the insides of Rob’s anal lining.

Rob’s voice came back. “GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING SHIT!” he screamed. His body shook, went taut, and tried to somehow elevate itself away from the pain.

Mark watched Rob’s expressions, amused. “Shoulda brought my camera,” he said, again smashing his fist into Rob’s face, instantly breaking the nose.

With Rob’s eyes rolling and blood pouring from the nose, Mark slammed the fat ten inches of dildo home. Rob’s battered guts were forced upward. He screamed in agony. His lower torso gurgled, unsuccessfully trying to adapt. The pain was unbearable.

Mark picked up a tube of Glue-All and squeezed it all over the hairy anal opening, securing the dildo. “Just in case you get scared shitless, that’ll keep everything in place,” he said.

Rob’s body quivered. He fought to breathe. Beads of sweat broke out of every pore on his face, and every neck vein wanted to pop. When he was finally able to pull in oxygen, he howled at the night air like a caged wolf.

Animals of the forest stopped and listened -- they’d never heard any creature sound like that before.

“Of course, you’ve got more than one hole,” Mark said. With that, he went back to the picnic table.

If this had been an army buddy in need of a blowjob, Mark might’ve sucked Rob’s beautiful hairy cock. Under the right circumstances, he’d have done anything for a pal. This wasn’t one of those times. A deal’s a deal.

“Your dick’s been in a lot of places it shouldn’t have,” he said as he returned with a power drill. “I think it’s time we cleaned it out. Checked it for gonorrhea.”

Mark carefully inserted a 1/8” bit inside the battery-operated appliance, tightened it, and examined it to make sure everything worked properly. It whirred perfectly.

Mark punched Rob three more times in his hairy gut and kicked him in the furry balls, this time badly bruising the left testicle. Rob’s body went limp, but he was still fully conscious. Clear liquid drooled from his lower lip as Mark carefully inserted the drill bit into Rob’s large cock head.

Rob had never imagined this kind of torture. Mark patiently eased in the first inch, then another. Slowly, the drill invaded Rob’s generously endowed reproductive organ. Soon, the entire six-inch long bit had firmly entrenched itself inside Rob’s huge wiener.

Mark studied Rob’s face as he fired up the drill. A long, high-pitched whirring sound emanated deep within the fuck sausage. Instantly, the bit spun around many times per second, chewing its way through the sensitive glans and stalk.

Rob screamed, tears pouring out of his eyes as he banged his head against the tree bark, trying to knock himself out to escape the pain. Unfortunately, in his weakened state, Rob was unsuccessful. His face was delirious. A rich stream of blood and shredded vascular tissue poured out of his cock slit. Rob vomited up his eggs, and then his throat continued to gurgle.

Mark started digging a wider tunnel inside the cock, tearing up more and more spongy dick innards. When he’d done all the damage that he could with that bit, he replaced it with a larger one and repeated the process. Soon the hole in the cock head had tripled in size. Much of the insides of the dick were liquefied, and a steady, heavy stream of blood and scraps of penis bits flowed out of Rob’s widened cum spigot.

Mark brought a kerosene lamp over and poured the contents all over Rob’s pubic region. “This’ll warm you up,” he said, setting fire to the cock with his cigarette lighter. Rob gave another horrorstruck scream as a large plume of flame exploded from his irreparably damaged prick. The pubic hairs flared up and crinkled like needles on a Christmas tree. Seconds later, the fire died out, leaving third degree burns all over Rob’s crotch. Mark repeated the process to the hair growing out of Rob’s chest and armpits. Large flashes of flame and smoke shot up from each region.

Rob’s threshold for pain had long since been passed. Blood drained from his broken nose into the foam surrounding his mouth. His eyes had a glassy look about them. “Please....please…” he whimpered, tears streaming from his bloodshot eyes.

Sneering, Mark brought out a long kitchen knife. Stretching the cooked penis upward as tightly as it would go, Mark applied the sharp edge halfway down the dick and lightly carved around its circumference. A cock ring, attached to rope, was wrapped around Rob’s manhood just above the wound, resting under the charred glans. With a sharp yank and flick of Mark’s wrist, the top half of the dick was broken off.

Mark grinned like the devil as he showed the bloody half-penis to his victim, then tossed it into the brush. Several small four-legged creatures scurried to where it landed, eager to see what taste treat awaited them.

Mark then took the knife and applied it to the cock base, deftly carving the thick stalk away from Rob’s thick pubic forest. A second chunk of prick meat was thrown another direction, and a new set of forest animals fought over it. Then Mark pulled hard on the scrotum. It was hacked off with ease. In time with his rapidly beating heart, blood jettisoned in spurts out of his new hole.

Rob felt like he was in another world. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. He felt each wound, and sensed every new chunk of his body being pulled away from its host. He tried to blot out the pain. His physique was being dismantled, obscenely mutilated in front of his very eyes.

“You know, I’ve changed my mind,” Mark announced. “Maybe you don’t need that dildo up your ass after all. Of course, with all that cement, we’ll have to cut it out.” Upwardly, Mark slammed the sharp knife into Rob’s anus -- once, twice, three times, hacking away at the thick, cemented butt plug. Each thrust caused a slicing of guts. The fourth time inside, Mark twisted the knife clockwise. Finally, the Stryker dildo peeled away, pulling blood, cemented flesh and sphincter along with it.

A gush of blood and intestines poured out of the ruined asshole. The life force was draining out of Rob’s body like a beer keg blown open by multiple gun blasts.

Rob was being tortured to death, just as Mark had said he would be. How many times had he imagined the beautiful wonder of this death? Now that it was happening, it wasn’t anything like what he’d hoped it would be. Mark was as nasty as they come. To add insult to injury, they hadn’t even had sex.

“Oh, Mark... oh, Mark... I just -- didn’t -- think -- you’d really…” Rob’s voice trailed off. There was nothing more to say.

Mark cut Rob down from the tree and threw him on his back. Grabbing his archery set from the car, he then stood over Rob’s body. With a swift whizzing noise and a THUCK! sound, an arrow sliced directly through Rob’s navel, pinning him to the ground. A second arrow whizzed through the right side of Rob’s meaty chest.

Mark laughed, again picked up the knife and flipped it in the air, deftly catching it. He pounced on his victim like a wild animal. The last thing Rob saw was the knife slashing across his neck and then slamming home just under his sternum. With a gut-wrenching twist, Mark dug underneath Rob’s hairy ribcage, speared Rob’s dying heart, pulled it out of the ruined torso, and stuffed it into Rob’s mouth. “You’re dead, asshole,” he said. “Eat your heart out.”

Rob’s eyes faded to nothing. He looked like a Thanksgiving pig with an apple stuffed into its face.

Throughout the entire scene, a hush had fallen over the forest. It was almost as though all the animals and insects were watching the drama with the utmost respect.

Tired as could be, Mark stood up, staggered down the hill, threw off his clothes and fell naked into the creek. The cold water rushed over his skin, washing and purifying him. Slowly, the cricket sounds returned. Creatures of the night resumed scurrying about their business. It was as if nothing had happened.

When he’d gathered his strength, Mark returned to Rob’s corpse. He had to shoo away the animals starting to sniff at it. He plucked out the arrows, then carved the body into multiple chunks.

Each piece was tossed one at a time into a primitive toilet stall. Each lump of dead carcass fell several feet, landed with a sloppy splash and instantly sank several feet more. Soon, the entire body had come to its eternal rest underneath many years’ worth of smelly feces and urine. The last piece to be tossed in was the decapitated head.

After another bath in the creek, Mark threw on his clothes and started cleaning up the campsite. That was when he found Rob’s pants. How odd -- almost two hundred dollars were in the wallet. Mark shook his head -- why would Rob have needed so much money on the last day of his life? What a puzzle he was!

Mark stuffed the money into his own wallet and burned the clothes along with all their contents. Happy photos of Rob and his family instantly went up in smoke.

Mark pushed Rob’s car deep into the forest, and with satisfaction, surveyed the site. All was in order again. He’d remember this place for a long time to come, maybe even come back in the near future. For now, it was time to return to civilization. With luck, he might be home before dawn. Slowly, his car pulled away from the campsite.

In the distance, he heard a hawk dig its claws into a small, squealing rabbit.

“It’s the way of the world,” he observed softly.
Perfect! The characterizations and motivations are all in the details. And they are so important. It involves the reader in the story in no other way. Visualisations are left to the readers mind.
Thank you for a wonderful read.
