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The answer may be 'go find' - it's not a search I do very often and no one else seems to be doing it at the moment, so there should be some new stuff out there.

Sorry but nothing new at least not in English. Only old over and over again. Maybe they've stopped those hangings?
Unlikely to be in English - use Google Translate or equivalents to get the Persian/Farsi/Iranian words (or Arabic, but as you'd expect most Iran hangings retrieve in Persian.
am curious why the one guy is pinching off the hed of the guy with his cock outs dick head is the deaed due pissing or something? seems trange for a first responder t have th3e dead dudes pants down and pinching off the dead dudeaes dickck head
Three Criminals who Stole a Motorcycle Found Hanged on a Tree in Mexico

If the three of them had known what was coming, they would have stolen THREE cycles...and killed all the owners to boot. As they say in England, "As good be hang’d for an old sheep as a young lamb.”
Man Hangs Himself with Belt after Argument with Girlfriend in Romania


"The Brother Is Very Fond Of Both You Guys To Death": The Man Hanged Himself
Friday, July 20, 2018-02:04 GMT

NAMORAMBE, – a man named Earn Siswanto (31) found dead in Hung with a piece of string nylon, at his residence, a complex of Jakarta, Hamlet II Wood moisture, Delitua Village, Namorambe Sub-district, Thursday (19/ 7/2018) approximately 18.30 hours yesterday.
Strongly suspected the man end his life due to not hold the left his wife and son. Before ending the drape his neck on a string of Black-colored nylon measuring 2 meters, Earn writing a letter briefly made his wife that read:
"I love my wife and my children are my dear
Brother please sister back home again
And sister can substitute a better brother
And keep our children well
Brother very dear to both of you to death. "
The information obtained, the events that unfold after the two neighboring named Agus Syahrizal (42) and Nasir (27), went to the residence of Earn admits the reports yesterday.
They feel surprised, because the doors are always open since Wednesday (18/7/2018). Plus more, television mili? also always turned on.
Suspect something has occurred, both looked into the House and when the door opened, the two are seen? it's been killed in a position hanging on a piece of string tied at broti rooftops.
The findings make splashy citizens around and quickly spread rapidly to the residents of the complex.
The next residents then reported his findings to the M as the head of the village II Tarigan, the village of Delitua who then pass them to Polsek Namorambe.
Police who arrived on the scene and then lowers and evacuate the bodies?. Furthermore the officer doing the sports scene.
Kapolsek Namorambe AKP Zainuddin Lubis findings justify the victim hung himself.
"The victim allegedly committed suicide due to depression. From the results of the sporting scene, in the victim's panties [underpants] found sperm spots and dirt/faeces. We have been coordinating with families of the victims and the village, "he said.
Location of secured evidence in the form of a piece of string nylon black color along more or less 2 meter, 1 blue jeans which sperm spots, 1 green panties exposed to dirt and 1 notebook contains a brief letter?. (fan)

"The Brother Is Very Fond Of Both You Guys To Death": The Man Hanged Himself
Friday, July 20, 2018-02:04 GMT

He may have been despondent over the fact that he lived at "Hamlet II Wood moisture". People would laugh at him when he gave his address.
What the **** is that doing here? It's a vid not an image, and it's not a hanging, not even a fake one - just a porn wank vid.
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