soldiers-hands-bound.jpgTo surrender, to rely on the inate kindness of the enemy, to have one'ss hands tied behind the back, and then to be dispatched, and to be left to rot on a hilside-is this the fate of a soldier?
WW2 poster- most unusual because the dead soldier is hardly ever photographed and shown to his homeland. A marine I know was relieved of his gear, uniforms, boots, everything because he had photos of his slain buddies after a firefight.-He drinks a lot.ww2-poster-(altered).jpg. Do the sands of Iwo Jima hold any marines?
I rose from the chill ground and folded my soldier well in his

And buried him where he fell.
Again, I lament the soldiers who have beeen abondoned and left to rot in distant shores. Sadly, they died alone with no one to comfort them, to hold their hand and to tell them they made a difference in this world. I hope their uniform comfors thir last
Aye Ivan our uniform and calling as a soldier does comfort the dying warrior and for most the belief we are going to honour in the afterlife We would prefer our bodies are buried with respect intact in uniform but know that may not happen. You are right governments don't want the public to see pictures of the slain and those we slay, which is a pity - the reality of war and what they ask us to do should be shown A Scottish soldier is usually buried with his regimental cap badge in his hand, a comfort and great honour to our service.
This photo reminds me of the Greek stories of combat where soldiers heaped upon eachother lie in a mound covered over by the blood and soil .The soil nurses their tattered bodies in vain, even though they sacrificed their bodies to preserve it. The caption describes the hill in the background like those in the Greek stories I used to read. We do our best to preserve our dead heroes- even if some body parts are put into land fills.cdg026.jpg
Ethiopian-soldier.jpgThe heavy rains washed away the surface dirt and revealed one of many buried Ethiopen soldiers. Left to rot and return to nature. No one lamented their deaths, no services , no crying relatives- maybe they were slaughtered also. I hope he was a force for the good, and should heaven want him, I have given him an aurora, so he won't be missed by the soldier scouts from Elyssian Fields. At least, he was buried in his uniform amongst his buddies.
dear german soldier, you've been in the water so long that your boots are going to rot. I hope someone finds you soon and gives you a proper burial.MOV00554_snapshota.jpg
One thing military groups have in common is a respect for their own dead. ceremonies mark the occasion, townspeople show ribbons, soldiers parade in their finest uniforms. What an honor to die in the service of one's one country. I'm not sure cremation is good for one's own uniform.a-tribute-.jpg
Burial after death in battle is the final ritual in a soldier's / warrior's service, a fitting ceremony to mark the end of the man's service and his dismissal to the afterlife honoured by his comrades. We soldiers see it as our greatest honour to die in battle for our country and be buried in uniform, most do not want to be cremated, soldiers should lie in the soil of their country or the battlefield where we fall.
Burial after death in battle is the final ritual in a soldier's / warrior's service, a fitting ceremony to mark the end of the man's service and his dismissal to the afterlife honoured by his comrades. We soldiers see it as our greatest honour to die in battle for our country and be buried in uniform, most do not want to be cremated, soldiers should lie in the soil of their country or the battlefield where we fall.
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That is way so horny earthy, natural and manly fertile!
If it weren't for his boots, you might not have known this angelic lad was a horse soldier. These unfortunate soldiers lost the battle, they were stripped of their uniforms, their manhood was taken from them, and their bodies were left to cook under thesun. Don't ask me how he was left his boots, maybe something frightened the enemy off. I think the older soldier sleeps more comfortably in the arms of his brother in arms. Dusk approaches as these two fall into the eternal sleep. i hope Mars loves soldiers.dusk-approaches.jpg
That is way so horny earthy, natural and manly fertile!

YES Bro, most of earth is made of dead MEN!
They are the noble substratum of energy, source of renewing life.......and death!
Soldiers are "GIVERS" they kill they die!!!!!
Mars reaps the souls of brave warriors from all battlefields Yhe two horse soldiers should be stripped and buried together the morning after death at the latest.
I like the idea of preparing dead soldiers for their funeral. Cleaning their bodies, putting them on a new uniform and putting the soldiers body into the casket for viewing. To safe space on the cemetary they should be cremated after the viewing and the urns shoulb be put into a mass grave.
2-feet-in-heaven.jpgIcall this2 feet in heaven because I hope valiant soldiers go to heaven. This is a Victorian theme of the dying soldier wishing to be remembered to his loved one. I have Civil War song where one brother asks the other to tell mother he loved her. This sentiment was shot down when Patten told his troups to make the enemy soldiers die for their country. That's convincing enough for me. It also seems to me that God is envoked as a helper in the fight. Gott mit Uns, For God and Country, God Family and Country, etc.etc, etc.