Hot images, thanks for posting! I'd love to see more of gus hanged or strangled in their underwear - with all the bulges and marks that occur, plus of course the protruding tongue and dangling feet.
Keep up the very good work!
good work your 3D modelling looks great , keep it up I'm sure there is work out there for you . Thanks
Congratulations. Your work is gertng better and better. You have a great sense for dramatic lighting, and the poses are really hot... Thanks for sharing.

Great 3D. I get a bone imaging myself as the victim coming over to my killer's apartment for some strangulation fun. After I go unconscious my killer will revive me groping my manhood until I come to and cream in his manly fist. My body is totally under his control. He twists my groggy body around as he lays me out on the floor between the couch and coffee table before fucking my tight hole to his gratification. After I feel the wetness of his seed, his leather rope returns to my neck and slowly my groggy world returns to black as I struggle to fill my chest with air.