Loving the pics, I rarely comment but I've had my experiences and even have some videos on my (not so good resolution) mobile phone :)
Maybe one of this days I'll post one.

I had photos of me touching a friend that went full drunk with me in a park, but I accidentaly deleted them :C

What a shame...
These set of pics were taken by ME from one of MY sleep sessions. At least be honest enough to admit that these are not your pics and credit the person who took them.

For an effective way and fast result , try these : ZOLPIDEMUM 10mg & ZOPICLONUM 7,5mg , one of each , crushed and dissolved in some alcohol and given rectally for fast assimilation , it should put to sleep a 220 pounds guy in about 5-10 minutes. At first he will feel tired and limp and loose, so you can lay him on the bed in the position that you want, and after that he falls into a deep sleep , doesn't feel what you do to him , doesn't know, if he does wake up it's only the sleep walking type of wake so he won't remember a thing and you can even tell him "things" , the dirty kind you always wanted to tell him. In the morning he will feel a bit disorientated and might wobble a bit on his way to the bathroom to take a piss but he will think he had such a great sleep.

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ZOLPIDEM and ZOPICLONUM are dangerous on their own let alone in combination. OD your friend and he'll die. Be cautious with these stuff friends.