natural selection

  1. Meatpie

    Humans will someday become immortal but what will necros do then?

    Immortality in humans is an inevitable consequence of the evolution of the universe. According to Biogerontologist Marios Kyriazis the ability to attain indefinite lifespans is inherent in human biology, and that there will come a time when humans will continue to develop their intelligence...
  2. W

    What nationality or nationalities do you prefer?

    It's a tough one for me to answer. I need to consider it more. I really like Nordic looking guys like from Norway & Finland. But there are times when Italian or Greek dudes really make my dick switch. My favorite, if I had to make a choice...I'd really have to think about it.
  3. Meatpie

    Life, Death and Entropy

    In this post I will try to explain my view on life and death read on if you dare it's grim and complicated yet I am sure some of you will find it fascinating. I will use generalizations in order to make this post on a complex subject shorter and more easy to grasp, this is not meant to be a...
  4. Meatpie

    Men in flip-flops

    When I go shopping in the summer months I get dizzy checkin out other dudes' feet in flip-flops! Drives me nuts, and here is what really gets me: Handsome guys usually have beautiful feet as well! Anyone else notice this correlation?
  5. Meatpie

    Cute British soldier killed by bus on his stag night

    Model: Matt Cottrell, 24 loved booze & sex and was on a night out celebrating his enagagement with friends when he was hit by a bus and croaked.
  6. Meatpie

    I know why young fit guys are irresistible....

    One word - natural selection. Life on Earth has been evolving for millions of years, humans only appearead around 200,000 years ago. For 200,000 years they mated and the female preferred to get fucked by fit, strong healthy and handsome men. Undoubtedly there were ugly dudes, not fit, or...