
  1. A

    Korean guy drugged, raped and killed in China

    This is the article in Chinese: http://www.woduli.com/a/nannv/xbj/2011/0930/13229.html From google translation: The korean guy was drugged and sodomized before being killed. They found his body at the lake? Does anyone have any information abt this case? Anyone from China? Is there any...
  2. Art Of War


    Elderly Koreans distraught as reunion hopes crushed "It would have been the first mass reunion for three years, but with just, days to go, Pyongyang postponed the event, blaming "hostility from South Korea" It wave been the first mass reunion for three years, but with just days to go, Pyongyang...
  3. N

    big, korean drama...nice morgue

    look at part 4 and 5 nice dead guy, feet, soles and morgue enjoy yourself http://www.epdrama.com/big/big-episode-1/4/ http://www.epdrama.com/big/big-episode-1/5/
  4. S

    [another korean movie]a handsome boy is hanged by noose!!!

    [another korean movie]a handsome boy is hanged by noose!!! this is the video link! http://video.baidu.com/s?word=%CE%D2%C3%C7%B5%C4%D0%D2%B8%A3%CA%B1%B9%E2&id=15360&f=1001&url=http://www.iqiyi.com/dianying/20110412/1d2bdba29d357f74.html
  5. S

    [korean movie]3 men are hanged~~~

    this korean movie is so cool, http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEyMTA3NjU2.html 3 men are hanged~~~
  6. Meatpie

    Teachers at a Roman Catholic school dance Gangnam Style half naked in YouTube video

    Teachers at a Roman Catholic school have been accused of undermining pupils’ respect for them after they filmed a spoof of the pop hit Gangnam Style complete with half-naked changing room scenes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?f&v=G6qw60Z7h9Y Staff including the headmaster performed...
  7. A

    korean sleep boy

    cool :drool:
  8. K

    Autopsy of Handsome 17 yo Korean :)

    Died in a car accident.. Sorry about the mosaic. Enjoy: 예 :