james foley beheading

  1. Meatpie

    Liveleak displays "abnormal traffic" message after James Foley Beheading Video

    Liveleak displays "abnormal traffic" message after James Foley Beheading Video In a rare move LiveLeak have splashed a warning to users today that "pages may not display properly..." Effectively the site is a white page or 502 Bad Gateway when you try to view James Foley beheading video...
  2. Meatpie

    Beheading of US journalist James Wright Foley by Islamic State [EXCLUSIVE]

    I managed to download the original video uploaded by Islamic State before youtube deleted it. Check our True Gore video section in the next half hour I will reupload. James was very scared my deepest sympathy for his parents, family and friends. James Wright Foley has been missing since...