fossil fuels

  1. Meatpie

    "Why do you live?" My favourite movie quote from Harry Potter

    All humans alive now on Earth burn roughly 8,000 kilojoules a day, 5.5 kilojoules a minute. All this energy ends up released as heat in the universe. You take in food & drinks go to the gym and work out like crazy. Even if you sit in front of your PC all day you still do you work on the...
  2. Meatpie

    Life, Death and Entropy

    In this post I will try to explain my view on life and death read on if you dare it's grim and complicated yet I am sure some of you will find it fascinating. I will use generalizations in order to make this post on a complex subject shorter and more easy to grasp, this is not meant to be a...
  3. Meatpie

    Global Warming in 2011

    Despite the relatively cold winter weather gripping Europe I belive global warming will intensify in 2011 as nations around the world continue to pump ou CO2 and rely on fossil fuels. I made this video and uploaded to youtube, showing the devastating forest fire in Israel from a few weeks ago...
  4. Meatpie

    The Future is Bleak

    New York will be completely flooded if global warming continues. Hurricanes will strike NYC and Flordia will no longer exisit... The very near future for humans on Earth is bleak. This of course is complicated issue but I will summarise my arguments and give examples of why I am not optimistic...