
  1. Brian2012

    Predator Serial Killer poll.

    Quick question what has been your favourite of Scott's kills from the story below. http://cutedeadguys.net/threads/28681-Story-The-Predator-Serial-Killer Let me know and feel free to send any ideas for future kills you want to see Thanks
  2. Darkside

    uk ladz are fuckable

  3. L


    Death to fags! STOLIC!
  4. F

    Modern Mummy AMAZING!

    This is an AMAZING film about a man who donated his body to be mummified. Nice feet shots. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/mummifying-alan-egypts-last-secret/4od
  5. H

    Bootlust Video

    There has been a while no one posting new bootlust video here... If someone being so kind to post one or two in here, i will greatly appreciate... thank you:bow::bow::bow:
  6. A

    Some Of My Work - Part 1 - Garrotte

    This is an example of one of my videos, I have made about 50 short films so far which encompass bagging, strangles, chokes, sleeperholds etc. http://videobam.com/vtrHy The victim in this video is my slave who I have now owned for 5 years. I would welcome your comments and opinions and also...
  7. verlup1

    Drowned guy gets stuffed into body bad.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXbMCbwqonI&feature=feedf Not much information but the guy with the nice body says it took too long to pull him out, the other guys say there's no foul play suspected but there'll be an autopsy.
  8. Darkside

    Loading up my pick up

    Lots of sexy stiff dead soldiers http://videobam.com/tvygG
  9. Darkside

    Realy hot dead ethnic soldiers

    Just love these guys. http://videobam.com/FDBag
  10. Darkside

    Bootlust motocrosser

    http://videobam.com/ZFpiX Sorry stuck it in wrong section before.
  11. Darkside

    V.R Drunk - for Bootlust fans

    http://videobam.com/PhbNj If this is a repost sorry.
  12. B

    Chloroformed and stripped Cute asian

    OK, at the risk of all members seeing what and ugly git I am, here's a couple of clips of me having chloroformed a cute asian guy. I have deliberately left out the final part. After all, you don't need to see my arse bobbing up and down while I'm fucking him.... http://videobam.com/VLQEl...
  13. K

    Lots of vids!

    Ehi guys! I found a wonderful profile on MeFeedia.com, full of nice videos of guys being captured, knocked out, etc. Here is the link: enjoy! http://www.mefeedia.com/feeds/215976/fede_bond
  14. Darkside

    Dead cops and soldiers

  15. B

    Two more Bootlust clips

    Enjoy ;-) http://videobam.com/uhElt http://videobam.com/Xvstb
  16. Darkside

    Another sleeper

  17. Darkside

    Parts of bootlust ????

    http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIwMDQ4NDU2.html http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIwMDQ4MTg4.html Stripping a soldier - hot guy.
  18. Darkside

    dead in pick up

    more sexy dead soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbR4OwzHuX4&feature=related
  19. R

    Knocked out & Having fun

    Enjoy... http://www.filesonic.com/file/1303614534/fb04.wmv More coming up...
  20. M

    extreme movie from Mexico
