
  1. erotas

    Trophies of War

    . We know it was the custom of many American Indian tribes, after a successful battle, to remove various body parts of the slain enemy. They believed that in doing so this would prevent their enemy from entering the...
  2. todd00009

    DEATHBOT - ultimate necro-fantasy... a hot guy you can kill again and again

    We are happy people are enjoying our new series called DEATHBOT... Imagine if you can custom order a lifelike robotic "male sex doll"... that you could kill again and again... anyway you want. That's the premise behind BestDeath's new series DEATHBOT... Check it out: "A GUY BUYS A ROBOT HE...
  3. bindiboi

    Custom user title change

    So, every so often I like to change things up. I want to change my custom user title (that title unted your profile name). Normally this is an easy task. However, this time I am coming up with nothing. I thought I'd see if anyone has any cool suggestions. Many of you know me, and many less so...
  4. L

    reviving a teenage college boy...

    for his tuition fee, he is willing to get cpr and defibs and free long as he is being resus again and again.
  5. L

    Writer wanted

    Hello Dead dudes and gales I’m looking for a good writer that will accept to write a custom story for me (including dead guy of course). Please, PM me Cheers Luca