artificial inteligence

  1. phoenix_orochi

    Test of IA image generator that can run locally on your computer.

    Hello. I have found an AI image generator that can run locally on your PC, but needs a decent graphics card. I have an AMD Ryzen 5 5600G procesor and a RTX 3050 graphics card and runs good. The good news is that is Free and you can prompt with the censored words of other generators. On some...
  2. phoenix_orochi

    New IA tool image to video.

    mmm its interesting how AI its evolving. On a previous post I show how with an image you can make it dance. Now there is a new tool that you can put a reference video and they will copy the moves to animate a photo or create a moving video with a prompt. I use as an example this two images that...
  3. phoenix_orochi

    Using AI to resemble side views of dead guys.

    Hello. They are some interesting dead guys, but on some cases we have access to side views of them on the photos. I used ai to resemble the frontal view of them. Here they are 3 cases. Using an Ai tool to generate their frontal face. Using another ai tool to swap their face in another...
  4. phoenix_orochi

    A.I makes now people dance from reference video and photo.

    Interesting how the A.I is evolving. Now you can make people dance from an image and a reference video to make them dance. Lets test with this cute dead guy that donated his organs and face. Now make him alive again in this A.I. dance.
  5. phoenix_orochi

    Quality AI deepfake video of reanimated dead guy.

    Hello. I was playing a little more with AI tools and found some interesting stuff. I have created deepfake vids of the handsome dead guy that comes early for testing purpouses. i think the results was good. What do you think?? The guy. The vids Swapped face videos With crazy talk...
  6. phoenix_orochi

    AI face swap of cute dead guys

    Hello. A cute dead guy came to CDG. I made an interesting ai face swap of him. i think he looks cute in his new body. The guy The swap
  7. phoenix_orochi

    AI generated music about CDG

    Now AI can generate music with lyrics. Here is an example. A song about a guy and a corpse. Please message if you want more generated AI music.
  8. phoenix_orochi

    AI bringing back dead guys.

    Hello, with the new AI tools you can recreate fake humans with the face that you want. I have tried with dead guys and it works :devilish:. Please see the results. Does they look handsome???
  9. phoenix_orochi

    AI can restore photos with missing parts.

    Hello. Recently I was playing with AI and notice that you can outpaint in some cases with good results. Here some test I made. The AI did a good job guessing the face of this beauty guy that was censored. Also with censored newspapers scans do it good, but with trial en error. Some...