Recent content by jayde

  1. jayde

    What should we do with people who go to the new gay necro forum?

    I dont understand all the fighting.
  2. jayde

    CJ is a Liar, and a violator!!

    I like CJ...He never lied to me.
  3. jayde


    What is her site called? Is it viral death?
  4. jayde

    the admin of DR chris is a fucking fag!!!

    i spamed your inbox, and you didnt ban me. :hahahahha:
  5. jayde

    the admin of DR chris is a fucking fag!!!

    why did satanic get banned from here meatpie?
  6. jayde

    the admin of DR chris is a fucking fag!!!

    meatpie, if you hate DR, why did you want an invite so bad? And whats up with this shit about chris, and kelly? :bored:
  7. jayde

    Hugging Booth - Place where our brothers and sisters give hugs to each other.

    It would have been a huge mistake to move there. I have no doubt I would have liked it, but then again...Im better off staying here in America, and buying a house. Im not willing to take such a big chance. I need to be alone anyway. I dont think the brits like Americans anyway. :sm (20):
  8. jayde

    Hugging Booth - Place where our brothers and sisters give hugs to each other.

    Its not a mess, my marriage was a mess!!!! Im very happy about this. Im almost free from a controlling, abusive, cheating prick. I was the one moving to England.
  9. jayde

    Hugging Booth - Place where our brothers and sisters give hugs to each other.

    Thanks for the hug whybother. Very nice of you. Just an update....I hate my husband, he is soon to be my ex. :sm (31): But I love my kids very much!!!!! :) And had plans to move to England..But they are on hold for now. :(
  10. jayde

    Currently Listening to....

    coldplay speed of sound
  11. jayde


    Ok..Happy birthday meatpie.
  12. jayde

    I need an invite, please

    Thank you BlackWorld!! :sm (31):
  13. jayde


    I love that show.
  14. jayde

    Welcome to our new moderator jon_b!

    Fuck off meatpie, Your just mad because I wont give you an invite.