Recent content by dude2099

  1. D

    what kind of necrophile are you??

    Class 1. Though I'm more of a voyeur.
  2. D

    Hanging Collection [Part 1]

    I think they only use public hangings around election time. Or if it's high profile enough.
  3. D

    Hanging Collection [Part 1]

    Poor guy. Plus, he had two little kids. I can't even begin to comprehend what they must be going through.
  4. D

    Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh burnt alive by Islamic State [GRAPHIC VIDEO]

    Is there any fate that would be considered horrible for these fundamentalist fucks? They seem ready to embrace death. They're willing to become "martyrs". Is there anything that could be done to them that would strike fear into their hearts?
  5. D

    Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh burnt alive by Islamic State [GRAPHIC IMAGES]

    Such a handsome man should have had a long life. Goddamn ISIS! Maybe they culled from this planet! Not just for the sake of this poor man, but for all their victims.
  6. D

    Execution. Teil 1

    Loving it! But it's a shame they have to die - they're so cute!
  7. D

    Hanging Collection [Part 1]

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    Hanging Collection [Part 1]

    Any news of hangings out of Iran? :hang:
  9. D

    Brutal artwork

    Does Redrum still do art?
  10. D

    Guillotine on wheels

    He had to get ahead of the train somehow. :hahahahha:...What? Did I kill the mood?
  11. D

    Cowboy ROPE STAKE strangle

    Oh my! So hot, yet such a waste of a slab of man
  12. D

    young cousins 12+15yo drown

    OK, I know I've not posted in a while but I felt the need to speak up. Meatpie, please close this thread. We all know why we come to this site - to satisfy our sexual urges or morbid curiosity involving death. But underage boys is too much and this thread needs to be cut. That's all.
  13. D

    Academy Training I (hanging)

    A classic. LOVE IT!
  14. D

    9 to 5 (1980)

    Best fantasy was Lily Tomlin's: She played Snow White and had little animated forest animals following her and she poisoned her boss's coffee and then launched him from his chair out of his office window.
  15. D

    Hostel II (2007)

    The last four pics remind me of the movie Return to Oz. Anyone who doesn't get the reference, here's a link to explain: