Recent content by diveguy79

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    Drowning RP

    Geez guys 81 views and only 1 response? Who do you have to drown around here to get some interest going? LOL
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    Drowning RP

    looking for fit guys who want to find out how long they can hold their breath - want to take you under and keep you there - let me know who's interested
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    Drowning/Sea Creature Vore

    looks like you would make a hot drowning vic - just hope you can hold your breath for a long, long time
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    23 YO military stud looking for a hangman

    Interested in a forced drowning? Send me a pm.
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    Drowning Role Play

    Hi Skinnydipper - send me a pm so we can talk on Skype or Wickr
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    Drowning Role Play

    What's going on? 103 views and not a single reply. Where are all hot drowning victims in this group?
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    Drowning Role Play

    Hey guys - look for fit victims for intense drowning role play - guys who want to be taken underwater and tested to their extreme limits and beyond let me know wh'o's interested - thanks
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    Drowning Victims

    The water in Seattle is clearer. Send me a PM so that we can chat. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks
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    Drowning Victims

    Hey guys where are all my future drowning victims - need a well built guy to hold under well past his "limit" , then bring him up and revive him and do it again....and again...and again
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    Str8 jock execution

    You should try an execution by drowning - bound and helpless, weighted down - standing at the end of a dock preparing yourself - and then that push and into the water and sinking to the bottom - mmmmmmmmm
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    Cyber Drowning

    Hi - sorry for the long delay - haven't been on here much - yes I scuba and free dive - love either taking a guy under to see how long he can hold his breath or having someone take me down - either way gets me hard as hell - let me know if you'd like to chat some time -
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    ending muscular stud

    Hi - think you would look really hot bound and held underwater - take you to the very edge of drowning over and over and then finally just keep you under until you couldn't hold your breath any longer and then watch your hot body pull all that water into your lungs - mmmmmm
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    Cyber Drowning

    Oh Yeah - Large glass tank slowly filling with water - condemned's feet chained to the bottom - the panicked struggle as the water gets deeper and deeper - in a final rush it cover's his head and the minutes pass as he struggles to hold his breath for as long as possible
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    Cyber Drowning

    Hi - anyone out there into cyber drowning? Let me know so that we can chat. Thanks
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    Victim in PNW

    Hey choke - ever a victim of some underwater work?