Recent content by Dionysos

  1. Dionysos

    Guys killed by spears

    The sea creature, his cock is so much bigger than the young man he's killed!
  2. Dionysos

    On Hanging - Just what happens

    I love that last try at the leg for life, that protest; and that glorious last heave of the chest for air! Those last two actions is what made my cock jerk and I waited for any other sign of life I realised that those two gestures, were it!
  3. Dionysos

    Anime Heroes killed

    The sucking in of water instead of air is always a good way to die. Fill, fill, fill your body boy; fill it up so you die quickly I say!
  4. Dionysos

    Real strangle in your car. Chicago area

    The chest bucking and heaving as you fight for air is what would keep my cock hard. But watching your feet is what would eventually tightne my pc muscle!
  5. Dionysos

    Strangling & Semen

    I swallow cum! Id love to die with your some of your cum still in my throat but otherwise I want it to all be found in my stomach!
  6. Dionysos

    L♥ve this dude's body

    I don't understand how with ribs like that how you wouldn't shoot him several times in the ribs?