Recent content by crackhousepitbull

  1. crackhousepitbull

    what kind of necrophile are you??

    Necromutilomaniac,although I would also be opportunistic in that unless put in the situation do not thrive that much for it. So 4,5,6,7.
  2. crackhousepitbull

    Four handsome gangsters shot dead by police

    Mmm.. I really love those last ones.
  3. crackhousepitbull

    Dogs destined to be slaughtered & served up in China's restaurants saved by activists

    Not as much as you think ,I`ve seen videos and photos of poor treatment of cows but its rarely as bad as how I see these dogs and sometimes cats treated. Maybe I`m being somewhat racist...
  4. crackhousepitbull

    Can money buy you happiness?

    I think would be happier with more money,I would not have to worry so much about finding a decent place to live,and would be able to actually go on vacations and get the kinda pets I want. It's not that I care about being rich,I just don't want to be poor. Trying to find and afford a place to...
  5. crackhousepitbull

    The UK is the most fucked-up nation in Europe

    There is many things I dislike about the Uk,they seem to be going downhill though,and are not the only ones and I wouldn't say it was the worst though,
  6. crackhousepitbull

    Dead Girls [Part 1]

    The pic of the "young girl eating by animals"is interesting in a creepy way,I don't want to see nude girls though...I`m straight XP
  7. crackhousepitbull

    Dogs destined to be slaughtered & served up in China's restaurants saved by activists

    At-least cows have no bond with humans,are less intelligent and are actually treated much better then these dogs who besides being kept in poor conditions are also beaten and tortured having to suffer a very slow death.
  8. crackhousepitbull

    Personality Disorder Test

    (H)Paronoid,(VH)Schizotypal,(VH)borderline,(H)Avoidant,(H)Anti-social.The rest is moderate....I have been taking medications for about 10 years for Depression,Anxiety,and Paranoia.
  9. crackhousepitbull

    I poisoned five dogs today - watch my video!

    I love dogs but I can understand the problem. I don't like poisoning because it is to slow and is not always effective. If they need to die it should be more humane,even by a bullet to the brain. I prefer to watch animals hurt each other then humans hurting them. Although its not like I never...
  10. crackhousepitbull

    Dead guy washed on morgue grill, technican grabs him by the big toe

    Am not really into or against feet but I love to see discoloration of all kinds! XD
  11. crackhousepitbull


    Nice collection
  12. crackhousepitbull

    White people stole my car

  13. crackhousepitbull

    Hans Joachim Marseilles

    is too bad
  14. crackhousepitbull

    INSANE. Young man commits suicide by stabbing himself in the throat multuple times

    looks so much like murder ....interesting ^ ^