
The last two months I living in New York. I'm originally from Europe. I had a few goals in my life. and they all are fulfilled, except the last. As I'm enjoy life. so far, now I want to enjoy the in the end of my life.

The last year, when I still lived in Europe. I was systematically hurting myself for my own pleasure, the last time I barely survived. I fuck my self with the blade of the knife and I went too far, I have it all recorded on tape. I was truly enjoyed and several times cum, but I lost a lot of blood. I ended up in the hospital. To avoid being send to In Mental Hospital I claimed that I was attacked and raped with a knife. Doctors have sewing my guts for several hours.

I really enjoy the mutilation. of me and the others. But only if is the mutual consent and if the man really wants to be mutilate.

I have a great tolerance for pain ...
New York


Looking for the prefect end....