Cute Dead Boy.mp4

Cute Dead Boy.mp4

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Cute Dead Boy

Young guys have great blood pressure. Look at that velocity of that gusher! A tasty tread, indeed, from beginning to end. Wish I could lick and suck and eat him.
Pity we don't know what's being said .he is very young and just lies back to be I'm much older but if so the same
I want to take him home...after the first chop.
A tasty gusher
I like that idea or stab the bulge :)
Look his terror when, after the ear, he is looking at you, your knife & his junk area. You can read in his eyes "He would not dare do that!!!". His eyes just after you stab his bulge. A split second before his screams but you saw it. And coz this so fucking brief moment, you stab & stab again his bulge :devilish:
Look his terror when, after the ear, he is looking at you, your knife & his junk area. You can read in his eyes "He would not dare do that!!!". His eyes just after you stab his bulge. A split second before his screams but you saw it. And coz this so fucking brief moment, you stab & stab again his bulge :devilish:
Yess just right through the jeans with that sword thing. see him thrashing around holding his groin area. Hes got a nice bulge too

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