The European Union is a JOKE


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

The BBC have published an interesting report today about the horrible situation in Latvia, a small country in Northern Europe, member of the EU.

What they fail to mention is that this is also happening, although to a lesser degree in Slovenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and probably some other countries.

During communism Bulgaria's population was nearly 10,000.000 people, twenty years later the population shrank with more than a third and is now 6 mln projected to fall to 4,000,000 mln by 2050.

There is a massive die-out, with Bulgaria topping the list of countries with the highest death rate in Europe together with Latvia.

Massive immigration, unemployment and low birth rates are destroying small countries while the UK, France and Spain are flooded with immigrants.

Europe has serious social problems, discrimination is rampant, inequality between countries in Western Europe and those from the former Soviet Block is increasing, tearing the EU apart.

The EU is not working right and if these tensions increase it may just fall apart.

The European Union is a joke, Germans paying for debt in Greece and France sending special planes to Bulgaria full of gypsies that they don't want!!!

Check this out

France - one of the founding members of the EU.


According to the EU constitution citizens can move freely and settle in a country of their choice.


And one of the most read stories on CNN today is AGAIN about France