Definition of a gore site


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
I laugh hard every day reading JohannaXn's blog, I even subscribed.

Today she gives us a definition of a gore site and tells us that CDG is for necrophiliacs only and that viraldeath is for medical personnel.



A gore site is not to be mistaken for a necrophile site, a necrophile site is for necrophiles. Often they form close knit communities around the sexual feelings and that creates a strong bond among it´s users.
(= clear attack on CDG)

and she says

Gore-sites on the other hand, their main users are not necrophiles but nurses, people dealing with trauma themselves.

People on gore-sites prime need is the gore, while the difference from a necrophile site the prime need is for cute corpses.
:sm (43)::douche:


What is even more insane, absolutely crazy is that she says she wants to open her own necro forum that will be invites only!

Go Jo, you can do it.

Look what an amazing blog you put up!

:sm (43):
:sm (21): ahhhhh - a PROPER gore site for necrophiles at last - well then ..... what can I say - i know .. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :sm (31):

shes nothing but a stupid fucking whore who probably fingered her dead granny
:sm (58):

JohannaXn hates CDG. We managed to stay together despite the difficulties while she jumped from site to site several times before finally starting that awesome blog of hers, now she wants a new forum.

This bitch is so messed up I regret we let us on our forum team.

For those who don't know JohannaXn was a moderator on CDG and an active poster in the Secret Room.

Kiumer didn't have any good posters.

Log on then came to cdg and asked Johanna to leave CDG and move to kiumer and if she moved she would be admin.

She left cdg, with links to sources stolen from us and became admin on kiumer.

See why I don't like her, she also promised to give us "unseen autopsy videos" of young guys if I could find dead girls for her.

For weeks I send her dead girls via email but she always wanted more and more.

She is so sick and perverted she makes me puke.

I severed all contacts with her I couldn't stand her any longer.

I hope her site dies and she disappears from the internet.

The self-prolcaimed best site for gore on the interent is a joke full of watermarks.

There is not a single images or video on her blog that we don't have.

JOKE, that's what you are Johanna and I am having a laugh everytime I open your silly blog.

Keep it up, make people laugh I guess that's the only think you are really good at.

Your retardedness brings joy to cdg :sm (42)::douche (7):