JohannaXn: I know who killed kiumer


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
In an extraordinary blog confession the usually secret Jo has decided to lift the veil surrounding the death of - in her view - the largers gore site in the world, the former kiumer.

The confession is long you can read all her shit here:

Her insanity is unlike anything I've ever seen or read on the internet, here are my favourite parts:

Not to mention that it (her site) is packed with exclusive content no other site has that we upload to the Internet for the very first time…until some other repost ass-clown remove the watermarks and pretend they got original content. Well they will never be anything but repost assclowns

Do not take me wrong, we do not mind people reposting our content but when people just take it and remove the watermarks that mean they are violating the work we put down on getting this content. The more people steal, the harder we watermark. And if anyone complain we do not give the fuck… you know why? We always keep the originals. The pictures are without watermarks and available for trades with others

When Kiuma went down i was not unhappy actually, it was a shore.

I had no part in Kiuma´s demise, absolutely none what so ever. But someday, i tell what i know. I know who killed, how, and why

Maybe that is for a future post.
I had a laugh at least reading her blog, she is hilarious isn't she.