Angel Lust

why do you love me?
Oct 8, 2008
The Hell-Mexico
:sm (19):

Worker in a factory block was killed by being pressed into a machine revolvedora, in the town of Yautepec.

Being the 9:04 pm today, was asked to help an emergency number 066, which reported an injured person inside a block of the factory town of Yautepec, so paramedics from the Rescue Squad and Emergency Medical to board of the unit R-07, moved to deliver the aid.

It was on the cruise of Santa Rosa to Las Viviana, in that municipality, at the height of the Colonia San Martínez where a factory is located to block construction, with name Casa de San Martin Materials, where Ruben Roman Galicia, 35 years of age, residing at the Mirador street number 10 of the Colony Center Oaxtepec, who are doing maintenance work and found revolvedora turned on the machine, apparently slipped, allowing the now deceased lost balance and ended in the interior of the shelf where it makes the mixture for the manufacture of cement block where he was trapped by the pallets used for mixing the material.

In the place brought together civil defense personnel from the municipality, paramedics, staff of the Preventive Police and the local factory that before the pressure of the emergency immediately carried out the tasks necessary to rescue the injured, he was pressed by the leg Right, and presented several blows to the chest and face that had been received by the pallets of the machine to be turning.

After several minutes of work by the rescue of the injured was taken to Hospital General Mauro Tapia Belaunzarán of Cuautla, where because of the seriousness of their injuries was killed because the wounds resulting from the pressure in the chest caused damage to internal organs that he was deprived of existence to suffer internal bleeding that despite efforts by emergency medical personnel (TUMS) who provided the pre-hospital care, could not be controlled, which ended in a cardiac arrest
