Healthcare Collapse


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
The healthcare system in my country has collapsed.

200 hospitals were ordered to close down by the government from January to February 2010.

No salaries will be paid after that.

Thousands of people in small towns and rurial areas will be forced to travel to big cities if they need a doc. Doctors and staff are left with no jobs.

We have huge budget deficit and the government is slashing on everything, schools, hospitals close.

And they raised taxes for everything, its terrible.

In addition, 500,000 unemployed people have no health insurance.

In a new order issued January 2010 if you are in a car accident and an ambulance arrives they will first have to check if you have a health insurance, if you don't they will dump you.

It is terrible.


This country is going to ruin.

All factories in the small city where granny lives closed down.

My cousin's whole family are unemployed.

Please share how your healthcare is organized in your country and what is its condition in 2010?
Perfect, could not be better and we keep on making it better and more open to other.

We are checking now for frauds, and we keep caching the criminals who do it, so it all wil get cheaper and better!!
In the U.S., most people are insured, but 47 or so million are still uninsured or underinsured. The problem is the cost to the insured. Uninsured people, like illegal aliens, can go to the emergency room and they wont be turned away in most cases. This ends up costing tax payers since we gotta cover the expense. We have no universal health care like canada or france or england, no protection for citizens against insurance industry predatory practices like hiking up premiums as much as they want, then dropping you if you actually get sick. We have a high level of medicine that the rich can easily afford, but middle class and working class usually can't afford to get the treatment they need even with insurance. Thousands die every year because they needed treatment that the insurance companies refused to cover, even though the person was paying premiums every year. Premiums have kept going up because there is no regulation in the industry. No politician in Washington will do anything to change the system because insurance industry lobbyists give them tens of thousands of dollars in bribe money to keep the system as it is. Corporations run this country. They did even before the supreme court made the ruling that there could be no limits on how much money corporations can use to buy off our elections.
Even with all that, it sounds like we have a much better insurance system than you have in your country Meatpie. I hope things get better in Bulgaria. You thought about moving to the U.S.? Even with all the problems here, we have more stability and oportunity here than it sounds like you have in your county.