I realize beheading is a very ancient tradition. Nonetheless, I wish a replacement for it were found.
L♥ve the head on a stick.....I'll call him lollipop
They all look good but I prefer 1 and 3.
I agree that beheading is the best method of execution!
I'd take any of them, but numbers 1 and 3 especially do it for me --- would love to take each of them and not let anything go to waste
would love to have been at the soles of the dude whos head is on a stick fucking his sole meat as they twitched away as the life slipped out of them, and then bit in nice and hard into the ball pad and ripped of a nice chunk to eat...........
I like the 3rd and 4th but the fact that they are beheaded is an terrible thing. These arabs are sick