Angel Lust

why do you love me?
Oct 8, 2008
The Hell-Mexico
:sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63)::sm (63):

The police managed to clear the dead found lifeless in a hotel room cheap cologne of Cuauhtémoc, the fighters were "The Espectrito" and "The Parkita" tough and technical, respectively, who had been doped in this hotelazo deadly.

This paradox of life began with an evening that many of the two brothers met, not to fight in the ring for fun but after a close campaign support, according to the life they lead, first and athletes other human beings who loved the party.

But the life I played a bad pass when the last Sunday afternoon, apparently after having departed a few hours they decided to enter a hotel in the neighborhood with a couple of women, who are already wanted to provide details of the event, because Model makers saw the hotel perfectly.

The bodies were found on Monday by noon on the hotel model, who entered to clean the room where they found the men already dead, with some personal belongings such as credentials, through which the family could establish a subsidiary, Alberto and Alejandro Jimenez, 34 years old.

Until everything seemed to come to the hotel after a party with some beers and the happy couple of women, as is clear from cans found at the crime scene, but then the scene changed, as if two wrestlers who have achieved winning sports figures of Pancrazio, that rather than anything they served their wrestling gear, because they apparently were overcome by the trickery of these girls 65 or 40 years old, whose experience in the arts and submission male amatory allowed the pair of doping athletes.

They fell in love this tour, while they are free at any moment could act against another lonely person who seeks his arms, which are already wanted by the police of this city and surrounding areas, although it is unknown where they operate or from whom they were addressed by the Jimenez brothers.

The journey that had to do research spans several miles, when the two fighters, "The Espectrito" and "The Parkita" were seen last alive among his friends came in Iztapalapa where the closure campaign the Partido Revolucionario Institucional.

So far have not established the cause of death, and suddenly blows out, because there are no external injuries, which leads to think that they were tricked to swallow drugs in his beer and that women are happened to the hand, causing death.

The curriculum for sports is that these brothers the first of them, identified in the world of wrestling as "The Espectrito" was tough, especially in the fight to flush canvas melee, while his brother "The Parkita" his specialty was technical and was fighting air.

However, this time his skills for good wrestlers, there is no use compared to women who managed to defeat them in another spot, and then abandon them without life.

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